How To Prepare Your Toddler To Welcome A New Baby Sibling?

Once you have a baby at home, just preparing yourself for the arrival of a new baby is not enough. You also need to prepare your baby. Children are too young to understand much. However, when another baby enters the home, the family dynamics can change leaving them a little confused and even frustrated. You can prepare your baby ahead of time with the tips below to make the transition easier for them.
1. Let them know a few months in advance that they are having a sibling.
It helps to reveal the big news about the time your baby bump starts growing. This will help them associate the growing lump with the fact that a tiny baby is growing inside you.
As for the baby’s arrival, associate it with something they can understand, such as a season or holiday. For example, if you are having a baby in December, you can tell them that the baby will arrive at Christmas. Or you could tie the baby’s birth to a time they can relate to – like ‘just a few days after Mummy or Daddy’s birthday’.
2. Refer to the baby in everyday conversation.
To help your baby transition to being a big sibling, talk about how everyday things will change when the baby arrives. This will help them prepare for the actual time when the baby arrives.
For example, you can talk about how the baby will have bath times, feeding times, and play times. You can also use a doll to demonstrate. It’s also a good idea to ask your baby for help with these tasks. This is a great way to lay the foundation for their involvement with the new baby when the time comes.
3. Give them an anatomy lesson.
Your baby may see a newborn as unusual, especially if the newborn is of the opposite sex. Helping them understand body parts and preparing them for how small a newborn can be will help them accept their sibling more easily.
You can start the conversation by reading them a book about human anatomy. You can also show them pictures of when they were newborns to help them understand how babies grow.
4. Teach them to be gentle.
Toddlers can sometimes be quite rough in the way they handle things like their toys. Model gentle handling so they don’t accidentally hurt the new baby. Again, using a doll or a soft toy should help with this.
Also, make sure your interactions with your baby are consistent with the behavior you expect from them. So, treat them gently and speak softly to them.
5. Instill some responsibility in them.
Your baby is too young to take on any real responsibility. But letting them know that they are the older sibling and that you need their help with babysitting might be a good idea.
This is also a good start to help them become independent in daily activities such as spinning their toys, feeding themselves, brushing their teeth, etc. Remember that your baby will still need a lot of supervision. However, this will trigger the process of making them a little more independent.
6. Involve your baby in the preparations.
If you are setting up a nursery or getting baby clothes, take your baby with you. This will help them feel like they are part of the process. Also, because they can see in advance the things that the new baby will have, the new thing will be removed. So, when the baby actually arrives, your baby won’t be curious about the new crib or the rocker.
7. Talk about safety.
There is a lot of talk about what is safe for the baby and themselves and what is not. Reinforcing this information will help them retain it better. Of course, you will need to manage your baby’s time with the baby. But having this conversation will make things less stressful.
8. Take your baby to a task.
If your baby isn’t in a routine yet, help him get one now. A fixed routine for bedtime and bedtime will give you some level of certainty. Knowing that at least one child will take a two-hour afternoon nap or sleep through the night will help you manage your stress levels when caring for a newborn.
9. Prepare your baby for your time in the hospital and during confinement.
If you are your baby’s primary caregiver, this is really important. While you are in the hospital for the birth and soon after you spend the confinement period with your newborn, you may not always be there for your baby in the way that you are now.
Help them prepare for this by gently letting the other caregiver take on more responsibility. So, for example, if you wake them up every morning and get them ready for school, let daddy take over.
10. Show lots of love and affection.
It’s normal for toddlers to feel withdrawn when the newborn suddenly starts getting a lot of attention. Reassure your baby by showing him lots of love now and keep it up even after the baby arrives.
The bond that siblings share is one of the most beautiful relationships. By preparing your baby early, you help create a bond faster. Just know that some young children may be more resistant to the idea of sharing their parents with another baby. However, know that with a little patience and love, they will soon grow out of it.
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