Call on Your Senators to Support Tax Relief for Families

Times are tight. Inflation is out of control and it’s harder than ever for Americans to provide for their families, and those hardest hit by this economic uncertainty are young families.
People who are just starting out in life and have children have a hard time putting food on the table — and they are also the very people most vulnerable to propaganda from the abortion industry.
It’s hard for people to embrace a new life when they’re living paycheck to paycheck and have to decide between doctor bills and rent. And when the culture offers the “easy” choice of abortion, lives hang in the balance.
That’s why the Pro-Life Action League urges that we call BOTH of their US Senators today to tell them that support HR 7024, the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act.
HR 7024 will expand the Child Tax Credit and put more money back into the pockets of young people doing the urgent work of raising our nation’s next generation.
Are you going to stop what you’re doing and make two phone calls today?
Click the button above, enter your address, and then click the “Federal Officials” button to find your two US Senators. Then click on their names to display their office phone numbers.
Senators in both sides of the hallway persuasion is needed on this historic vote, so please make these two calls immediately, no matter what party your Senators represent.
Please call your Senators immediately and tell them support HR 7024 and put those dollars back into the pockets of American families!