15 Adorable Elf on the Shelf Arrival Ideas!

You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not forget that the Elf on the Shelf is coming! If your family is anything like ours, Elf on the Shelf is now a staple in your household. Our kids love waking up to find their elf, (they named their elf, Elfie). As parents, we have more of a love hate relationship trying to find clever ways for Elfie to show up the next day. But one thing is for sure, the arrival of your Elf on the Shelf is one of the most exciting days of the holiday season!
If you’ve been frantically searching the internet for creative ideas on how to get started, look no further! Here’s a compiled list of our favorite Elf on the Shelf advent ideas from simple to complex.
15 Adorable Elf on the Shelf Advent Ideas!
We’ll kick things off with two super cute ways to tease the arrival of your elf on the shelf if you need an extra day or two before your Elf comes home (don’t forget to print out a cute letter of arrival for a reminder of the story and rules as well). Then, we’ll dive into ideas for your elf’s big debut!
All the ideas are brought to you by the great and smart parents on Pinterest.
1: Shouting in the snow
Isn’t your Elf ready to show off? Invite your child with small footprints. The Elf is somewhere, but where? It’s a cute reminder that the Elf is always watching even when you can’t see him. Check out the idea here!
Materials Needed:
- White powder (sugar or salt work well)
- Something to make foot imprints (if you don’t already have an Elf)
2: See you soon!
Send your child a postcard to update them on your Elf on the Shelf fun adventure! A postcard will also serve as a reminder to be on good behavior this holiday season because the Elf on the Shelf is coming back soon! Read more about the idea of Elf on the Shelf coming here!
Materials needed:
- A fun location
- e. Beach, Theme Park, Pumpkin Patch, etc.
- Camera
- Access to a printer
3: Chimneys are easier!
Everyone knows Santa prefers entering through the Chimney, so it only makes sense that his Elves do too! But it’s okay if you don’t have a chimney! All you have to do is tape the Elf to your front door. In the absence of a chimney, there seems to be no way inside! Without Santa’s magic, the only option seems to be waiting at the door for someone to let them in! Check it out.
Materials needed:
- Sticky notes and pen (Optional)
- Tape
- A door
4: Coming in! A Paper Plane Elf on the Shelf Arrival
This Elf’s preferred method of travel is via paper airplanes! Who doesn’t love making paper airplanes? Here are the details!
Materials needed:
- Paper
- Paper folding skills (Watch YouTube)
- String
- Writing Equipment
5: Elf on the Shelf Emergency Landing Arrival!
Landing this paper plane didn’t go well, yikes! Someone needs to take flying lessons. Maybe they can get help from Santa’s Reindeer? Learn more about this idea here!
Materials needed:
- Christmas Tree
- Paper plane
- Writing Equipment
Shop Elf on the Shelf Favorites!
6: All I want at Christmas is candy, and lots of it.
Halloween may be over, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy a gumdrop or two! Or three, or however many it takes to spell “I AM BACK.” I think I would have to buy twice the amount of candy to make this idea work because I would probably eat it all. See more of this candy masterpiece!
Materials needed:
7: Scaling walls
Although this photo takes place inside, this idea can still be used for arrival! Instead of a window, tape/glue the bows to the outside of the house where your child can easily see the Elf peeking through the wall! There is an entrance somewhere! Check out this idea here.
Materials needed:
8: Melted snow, melted snow, melted snow
I think this is my favorite Elf on the Shelf Arrival idea. This is an accurate representation of what happens to snow when it meets heat! Unless you live in a place where it constantly snows and never freezes, this arrival idea is perfect for you. Here are the deets!
Materials needed:
- Pan
- Paper and pen
- Goog-like eyes
- Twigs
- Buttons
- carrot
- Water
9: Intrusion alert!
“Stop Elf! You are trespassing!” -Toy Soldier
This idea is a great way to incorporate toys that may already be at home. I know I have a lot of toy soldiers lying around in a box somewhere. Here are the details of this idea!
Materials Needed:
10: Pop Goes to the Elf!
This Elf is very excited to be back; whether to spread joy or cause some mischief, no one knows. I hope they don’t get damaged during their stay. Here’s the idea!
Materials needed:
11: Deck the walkway with strings of light
This elf is ready to decorate the outside of this house to spread some Christmas cheer! Light up your walkway! Here’s more to the idea.
Materials needed:
- Strings of Light
- An outdoor electrical outlet
- Possibly an extension cord (depending on the length of the lights and the distance to the socket)
12: Santa Claus is always watching… always watching
I am 100% guilty of snooping under the tree during Christmas. I won’t lie; I even shook the boxes with my name written on them. I grew up, if I believe my snooping is being recorded, I can promise you I’m in no danger of getting caught! My family should have installed a “camera.” Check it out here!
Materials needed:
- North Pole Camera
- Paper
- Markers
- A light bulb that can pass as a camera
- Something to clip the “camera” to the tree
- Binder Clip
- Paper clip
- Clothespin
13: The Elf has arrived
This Elf has perfected the art of landing. Maybe what the Elves need is an airplane made of something other than paper. This Elf must share their abilities with their friends. Crashes will happen less. Here’s more to the idea.
Materials needed:
- Toy airplane
- Paper
- Pen
- String Lights
14: Oh, bring us some Reindeer Pudding
This Elf on the Shelf idea is adorable, and I love that the pudding looks like a reindeer! The family will have a sweet snack when it’s time for the Elf to move to another area of the house. Learn more about this idea.
Materials Needed:
- Chocolate Pudding cups
- Brown Pipe Cleaners
- Googly Eyes
- Red pom poms
- glue
- Fake snow
15: Home for the Holidays
An Elf makes a home within the walls! In this picture, we see an Elf showing his hiding place with a door. Where does it lead? No one really knows. One can only hope that’s where Elf keeps the materials for all their projects! The preparation and result should be hidden somewhere. Check it out here!
Materials needed:
- door
- Can be purchased at a craft store
- A Letter (optional)
- crown
- Small toy Christmas lights
Now that you’ve chosen an Elf arrival idea (at least I hope you have), it’s time to find more adventures that your Elf on the Shelf can go on to encourage your child to be well behaved throughout the holiday season.
Click one of the links below for a list of fun ideas to continue your Elf’s journey in your home! From what to name your elf, letters of arrival, and farewell:
75 Unique and Fun Girl & Boy Elf on the Shelf Names
10 Super Fun Ideas for your Elf on the Shelf Return Letter
10 Fun and Clever Elf on the Shelf Farewell Letter Ideas
Frequently Asked Questions
What do you do for the elf on the shelf?
There are so many ideas for your Elf on the Shelf arrival. I love how our elf family comes with a bang like a flying paper airplane or causing some serious mischief. It’s also a good idea to include an arrival letter that reminds your children about the tradition.
What did the elf bring on the first day?
Your Elf on the Shelf should show up on the first day with an arrival letter reminding your children about the tradition and story of your elf.
When should the elf arrive on the shelf?
Your elf should arrive between the last week of November and December 1st. This is the most popular week of scout elf returns!
Pin for Later- 15 Amazing Elf on the Shelf Ideas