5 things we learned from ReesaTeesa

If you don’t know who ReesaTeesa You should. He rose to fame on (TikTok) after going viral for his 50-part series, “Who TF did I marry?” Yes, it is 50 parts. MILLIONS of people across the internet listened for over six hours as this woman told her pathologically lying, cheating ex-husband Legion. With these attention spans?? On this internet?? That should tell you just how fascinating this story is. If you haven’t been on the ReesaTeesa train yet, it’s not too late. And there is so much to learn from it and from him. Here are our top 5 takeaways from his story.
1. What happens at home doesn’t have to stay at home
ReesaTeesa mentioned throughout the series that she hid what was happening in her relationship from her friends and family based on her belief that what happens at home should stay at home. He also said that he was embarrassed by some of what happened, and that it was difficult for him to tell people what was going on. Which means that her loving friends and family, who must have helped her see that she needed to extricate herself from this man, don’t even know what’s going on. Abuse thrives in the dark—if you’re not sure if what’s going on in your relationship is okay, bringing it into the light allows the people who love you to help you see your situation clearly.
2. It’s not your fault when someone else ad*cks
You can tell that, at times, Reesa blames herself for what happened. But what other people do, how they act, how they treat other people—that’s not your fault, that’s their fault. You are never wrong to love someone and want it to work. They were wrong to take that gift and step on it.
3. Get receipts
Now, Legion is a master liar. This is a guy who will pretend to log into his bank account on his phone (tap tap tap), then turn the phone around and show Reesa his account information ACTUALLY SCREENSHOT FROM GOOGLE IMAGES. Again, this isn’t ReesaTeesa’s fault—it really would be weird to think of someone doing something so wild. We’re not saying to be paranoid and get your partner’s bank login information, but we are saying that when you put an offer on a house with someone, they should be willing to share ALL of their financial information yours. Even offshore accounts. Especially the offshore accounts.
4. Be careful with whom you have children
After the truth came out, friends and family (including Legion’s own family members) told Reesa how lucky she was not to have Legion children. People say that marriage is the ultimate commitment, but having a baby with someone is actually the ultimate commitment. You are signing up for that person to be in your life FOREVER. You can get divorced and choose to never see them again, but if there’s a child in the mix and both parents want to be involved, prepare to see that person’s face at every major event in your child’s life, at a minimum. Legion has given us a whole new love for birth control. Find a method that works for you.
5. Take notes
One of the greatest things about ReesaTeesa is that she remembers every last detail of what happened throughout her relationship with the Legion. That seems to be at least part of the case because she was traumatized, but she also kept detailed audio diaries throughout the relationship as the weirdness piled up. If something doesn’t seem right to you, but you’re not sure what it is or you’re not sure you’re ready to act, recording what’s going on is a good idea. It might help you find out what’s going on faster, and if not, it might just help you secure a Netflix deal (fingers crossed for you, ReesaTeesa!).