
A Day in the Life of a Gestational Carrier/Intake Coordinator and Case Manager — Colorado Surrogacy

Every day is different, and there are so many pieces that can be moved or changed in a day depending on the situation. The intake coordinator starts when the Gestational Carrier candidate applies and then works with them until they are matched. They are responsible for assisting the candidate in gathering medical records, insurance information, discussing and determining compensation, background checks including other necessary items, personal interviews and assistance in setting up psychological analysis. Once the surrogate has been cleared, checked and cleared she is ready to be matched with the Intended Parents!

look at this video about the matching process or this blog.

Once the Intended Parents and Gestational Carrier are matched, they both work with a Case Manager. The case manager not only works with Intended Parents and Gestational Carriers, but at times they also work with clinics, OB/midwives, attorneys, psychologists, escrow contacts, insurance companies, hospitals, and anything else needed to in every match situation. Every day and every match is different.

Below is what a day in the life of a Case Manager might look like.

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