Watch WHAT GOOD DADS DO with Roland Warren on Friday, June 16th (TBN)

At Care Net, we know that fathers are important in pregnancy decisions. Research shows that the father is the most influential person in a woman’s decision to have an abortion or not. He and the mother prove his influence.
We also know that while fatherhood is not easy, it is important. This Father’s Day, Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) is airing a special show to encourage fathers in the impactful work they do. Roland Warren, President and CEO of Care Net, will host this special show and, along with his guests, will reveal what good fathers are doing to lovingly guide their children in a challenging culture in Christian values.
Watch the Trailer for WHAT GOOD DADS DO with Roland Warren
Special Guests include…
Throughout the episode, you’ll hear guests like:
TBN is scheduled to air the special episode at the following times on Friday, June 16th, 2023: 8PM, 9PM, and 11PM EST.