Baby Food Gift Baskets … tips for a unique and yummy gift!

Ready-made baby food gift baskets are hard to find! And that’s not surprising, because baby food gifts are quite ‘delicate’ (in every sense…!). However, if you want to give a baby food gift basket, let me share with you my thoughts and ideas about homemade food gift baskets for newborn babies – and you’ll see, you can come up with a great baby food gift in no time! Check out my basics first
baby gift baskets and then come back to it.
Starting With Your Food Gift Basket:
Think about and answer the following questions, to arrange a useful gift:
– baby’s age, what can baby eat and drink?
– is the baby exclusively breastfed or the baby drinks formula?
– does mommy feed the baby by herself?
– does mommy prefer organic baby food?
– does mummy or baby like a special brand of baby food or a special taste?
You see, that means you need to know the recipient well to make your gift a success!
So start by collecting the necessary supplies, including a basket or a decorative container. Additionally, filler material such as shredded paper or cloth will be needed.
Choose Your Baby Food Items
Choose a variety of baby foods that are appropriate for the baby’s age and dietary needs. You can include:
- Pureed fruits and vegetables: It’s best to opt for organic or all-natural options without additives or preservatives.
- Baby cereals or grains: Rice cereal, oatmeal or mixed grains are always good choices.
- Snacks: Consider snacking on cookies, puffs, or yogurt melts.
- Reusable food pouch: This allows parents to fill them with homemade baby food.
- Try to include a mix of flavors and textures for variety.
What Should Also Be Included In Your Basket: Practical Items
Here is a list of practical things to include because a unique food gift basket for a baby should not only contain baby food and formula / drink but also useful items related to eating and drinking, such as for example:
- baby bibs / single use, disposable – even reusable ones are more eco-friendly
- baby feeding spoons / baby’s 1st cutlery set
- sippy cup / infant cup
- reusable baby food containers
- meal time set / baby plate and baby bowl
- baby bottle(s).
- small cooler bag
- formula dispenser
- formula mixer
- bottle drying rack
- bottle warmer
- bottle brush
- baby food recipe book
- Kleenex wipes
- nursing cover
- reusable food bags
- Bumbo baby seat
Everything you need for the perfect baby food gift basket is available online. Why not browse amazon (#ad) to get some really cool ideas. Try going with a feeding theme like ‘baby on the go’, ‘organic baby food’ or ‘baby’s first picnic’. So for example a cooler bag, disposable bibs and Kleenex wipes are good things if baby is going on a picnic. You can also bring extra clothes in case baby is outside and needs to be changed due to a little spill at mealtime…
Bumbo Baby Seat: The Bumbo Seat is great for easier baby feeding. In fact, it can serve as your ‘basket’ to fill with lots of goodies.
For details on care covers please check my practical baby gifts.
#Ad Baby food recipe books to include in your baby food gift basket.
More Unique Ideas For Baby Food Gift Baskets
If you want to include ready-made food jars consider the baby’s age and check if baby and mommy have preferences. The same applies to baby formula, baby juice and baby tea. Before giving drinks and food you should make sure that a gift of baby food is really welcome.
If you’re not sure about food preferences, you’d rather choose a gift basket without baby food (food) – that’s not really a contradiction: the alternative is a ‘baby feeding gift basket’ that contains useful items I mentioned in the list above such as feeding utensils, baby bibs, burp cloths, snack containers, etc.
Another twist on the food basket gift, is to provide food for the stressed parents instead of for the baby – or for both parents and baby. See all about this useful idea here on my page baby gifts for twins (section titled ‘homemade frozen dinners’).
Cool Food Ideas: Personalized M&Ms and Specialty Cookies
If you want to have something really special and personal for your baby food basket – again for mom and dad and not especially for a little one – go to and create personalized M&Ms with a baby message to include in your basket.
Another really fun idea is to make a (personalized) new baby cookie gift basket. Bake some star-shaped cookies and decorate them with the baby’s name and/or ‘a star is born’!
You can get star or baby foot cookie cutters on amazon.
Little baby feet cookies are a great idea for your food gift basket, too.
Organize Your Basket
It is best to arrange some filler material in the bottom of the basket for cushioning and to elevate the items for better visibility. Then place larger or taller objects in the back and smaller ones in front for a visually appealing display.
Add some finishing touches by wrapping the basket in cellophane or tying a ribbon around it. It’s also neat to attach a gift tag or a small card with a thoughtful message.
Personalize the basket with handmade items or custom touches if desired.
Be sure to present the gift basket with care, making sure it’s sturdy and the items are safe if you’re going to transport it, especially in your car.
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