preparation for childbirth
Jun 19, 2023
Birth on YOUR BACK during laborhere’s what you need to know mom.
Why did the ‘birthing on your back’ trend start?
Yes in all the movies, but it was clear before then
You can blame the French King Louis XIV (1638-1715). He enjoys watching women give birth and is dismayed at the hidden sight when the birth takes place in a birthing stool.
So, yes, you guessed it HE promoted back birth as the new way to give birth.
Well, it’s not about ‘seeing better’ for the health care provider.
It’s about giving birth better for the woman. will you agree
Despite ALL the evidence supporting ‘sacrum-freeing’ positions such as squatting, kneeling – side lying to speed up labor and open the pelvic outlet – we are told we should give birth on our backs?
Read that again.
Also, you don’t ‘need’ to be on your back for pushing just because you got an epidural.
Speak Mom. Have these conversations at your antenatal appointments, don’t assume things will be done to benefit you in the birthing suite.
You have options girl.
Of course, if you WANT to give birth on your back, it’s all up to you – but you should have a choice and an understanding of how it affects you, your body and your labor progress.
For ideas on birthing positions, check out this FREE Active Birth Class –
Related: How to Push during Labor
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Related: Labor and Birth Positions