13 Motherly Top Pregnancy Stories to Bookmark

The joys of new motherhood are as exciting as can be. But, there can also be so many questions that you might have about this trip.
The beginning of your first pregnancy brings so much joy and so many unknowns. Don’t worry, mama, we’re here to answer all your questions and maybe give you some answers to things you didn’t know you needed! The easiest way to find what you’re looking for is to bookmark your favorite articles. Scroll below to find the top pregnancy stories you’ll need. Bookmark, and come back to them again and again.
13 top pregnancy stories to bookmark
1. Questions to ask at your first prenatal appointment
Here are 9 questions you’ll want to ask at your first prenatal appointment. Take a deep breath and grab a pencil (or write them down in your notes app!) to get noticed. Read about important prenatal appointment questions here.
2. New mom’s guide to pregnancy symptoms
Not all pregnancy symptoms are the same. Here’s a list of a few things you can expect and, yes, it’s more than just blurring the morning sickness. The common, unusual and rare symptoms for different types of pregnancy, in each trimester and coping mechanisms that can help. Read about pregnancy symptoms here.
3. Pregnant? Surprising facts about each trimester
So your body is growing a baby, congrats! Here are some surprising, wild and weird facts about what’s really going on in your beautiful belly. Read about each trimester here.
4. When to announce
One of the most exciting parts of finding out you’re pregnant is sharing the news with loved ones. But, when should you announce it? Here are some things to consider when you’re deciding what’s best for you. Read about when to announce your pregnancy here.
5. Pregnancy symptoms you may not know about
Among the well-known pregnancy symptoms that everyone talks about, there are also a few that you may not have heard of. Here are 10 sneaky pregnancy symptoms to watch out for. Read about lesser-known pregnancy symptoms here.
6. When does morning sickness start?
Here is a guide to better understand morning sickness. Find out when it starts, what’s considered “normal” and how to manage your nausea to keep up with your everyday life. Read about morning sickness here.
7. Best food for pregnancy
A board-certified and licensed nutritionist’s guide to pregnancy nutrition, including the best foods, healthy snack options, what to avoid and answers to frequently asked questions. Click here to know about pregnancy foods.
8. Your complete guide to sex during pregnancy
We understand, everyone’s burning question is always: how can I have sex while I’m pregnant? Here’s a guide to sex during pregnancy and how to keep it safe, comfortable and enjoyable. Read about sex in pregnancy here.
9. What is a doula
Everything you need to know about doulas, including what they do and whether one is right for you.
Click here to learn about doulas.
10. 5 best prenatal vitamins
Prenatal vitamins are not a one-size-fits-all product. Here’s what to look for, what to avoid and when you should start taking them. Click here to find your prenatal vitamin.
11. Pregnancy safe skincare
The hormones from your teenage years are back and with a vengeance (sometimes). Since your pre-pregnancy routine doesn’t take your skin’s new needs into account or consider what’s safe for your baby, here are pregnancy-safe products along with, what to avoid. Click here for safe skin care options.
12. Maternity workout clothes
An easy and stylish guide to choosing the best maternity workout clothes that keep you comfortable and support your beautiful growing belly. Click here for the best maternity workout clothes.
13. The best pregnancy pillows
A roundup of the best pregnancy pillows on the market. Choose yours based on your needs and let the fluffiness, or firmness, comfort you when you need it most. Click here to find your pregnancy pillow.