Best Baby Shower Gifts … unique gift ideas for newborn babies

Here’s a guide to the best baby shower gifts. Are you being invited to a baby shower party or are you even hosting one? Exciting! And don’t worry about what gift to bring!
You’ll love these unique baby shower gift ideas. Soon you will receive a cute, practical or sentimental gift for that new arrival.
The Ultimate Baby Shower Gifts
Giving a shower gift (before the baby is born) is a little different than giving a baby gift after the baby is born. Once the baby is there, you usually know all the facts like date of birth, sex, size, health of mother and baby, etc. For a baby shower, there is some kind of ‘uncertainty’ around. You cannot be sure about the date of birth, so for example an astrological gift is not suitable. Then, parents may not want to know the gender before the baby’s birth, so it’s a unisex gift and so on. Also, a gift such as a belly cast kit and a hospital bag, can only be given and used before the baby is born.
For this collection of the best baby shower gifts, I considered these factors.

Baby Shower Gifts Checklist
Before you go out and buy the first gift that comes along, check if the mom-to-be has a registry. If so, remove something from the list. Because for the registry, the mother or couple choose exactly the things they really like. So, you can be sure that you really have one of the best baby shower gifts!
Sometimes it makes sense to collect money and get a gift together. Then you can give something bigger and more expensive. That would be appropriate for a baby shower at a co-worker’s office, for example.
Be wise to keep your receipt and/or get a gift receipt so the parent-to-be can return any duplicate or unwanted items.
Best Baby Shower Gifts
Gift Certificate for Maternity Photo Shoot
Give the mom-to-be a gift certificate for a baby belly photo session. This is a great gift idea to document the pregnancy. A gift certificate for a maternity photo shoot is a great gift idea for a larger party, like a group of coworkers, to give together.
Maternity photos are a great keepsake and are something to share and cherish with your child when they grow up.
Special idea: if you want to ‘wrap’ your gift certificate in a cute way, get a picture frame or even a pregnancy picture frame and put the gift voucher for the photo shoot in the frame. Later on the coupon can be exchanged for one of the shots.
Cocktail Book for Pregnant Moms
Pregnant women or a new mother enjoy a healthy, alcohol-free cocktail just as much as anyone else. These two books offer many recipes for non-alcoholic drinks with funny names such as ‘Pregnant Peach’, ‘Materni-tea’, ‘Folic Fizz’ or ‘Momsicle’. Actually, they are not only great during pregnancy or for breastfeeding mothers but for everything else. Check them out!
Gift books with or without cocktail making accessories:
Preggatini: Mixology for the Mom-To-Be by Natalie Bovis-Nelsen – user review: ‘… I’m going to add this to my ‘gifts to give’ list… The drinks are so good, I don’t even miss the wine! A great book for healthier drinkers and moms (and dads) alike.
Mama Margarita: Mocktails for Moms-to-Be by Alyssa Gusenoff
Homemade Baby Shower Gifts

Homemade gifts such as a baby blanket or quilt, baby time capsule, gift basket or diaper cake often make the best baby shower gifts because they are so special and great eye catchers. A diaper cake also makes a very cute baby shower center piece.
There are some handmade baby gifts that are easy to make, so anyone can do them! It’s also a good idea to help the mummy-to-be do a belly cast. For these and many more unique ideas with instructions see my best homemade baby shower gift ideas.
Best Baby Shower Gifts
Microwavable Plush Buddy or Cherry Pit Pillow
A microwavable plush buddy for baby or a pillow filled with buckwheat or cherry pits is also a favorite of mine and definitely qualifies as one of the best baby shower gifts. And best of all, moms-to-be can use it too! You can heat the buddy pillow in the microwave to relieve a stomach ache or just to keep yourself or baby warm in the winter.
Some friends also have a lavender aroma to help the baby sleep better. But be careful with them, my children never use our lavender horse, even though it looks very cute, but for them it is a bit ‘too much’.
There are also star-shaped pillows for this purpose or pillows with special baby patterns. However, for babies I prefer real friends, just look at this cute elephant companion from Intelex. Check out their complete range of cozy plush microwavable warmers, you’re sure to find your personal favourite:
Cute Baby Gifts
Check out my latest list of cute baby gifts and every one on the list would make a great baby shower gift too!
The Baby Aspen Gift Sets are really an eye catcher and so cute, they are also great for baby showers! Or check out Kathe Kruse Walldorf Gugguli Dolls as well as Haba Mobiles.
Either of me cute baby gift ideas you choose, they will all be perfect gifts and hits at every baby shower!
More Best Baby Shower Gifts
Hospital Bag For Mommy:
Pack the mum-to-be a bag of everything she might need during her hospital stay! Choose a tote that is the right size that is suitable for taking to the hospital but can also be used afterwards for other purposes such as shopping or travel. Pack all the essentials for a hospital stay in the tote and you really have an awesome baby shower gift!
Tips on what to pack inside (take everything or pick your favourites): a cozy nightgown / pyjamas, bathrobe, comfortable slippers / slippers or a pair of soft and warm socks, toiletries (more travel pack sizes are good), lip balm, hairband, emergency make-up case, nail file, hairbrush, CD, book or magazine, note pad and pen, some snacks like rice crackers, granola bar, crusty bread, small cartons of juice, gum, candy, etc.
Also add a funny reading like this:
Baby Handprints Tower Kit
Let the baby and the new parents create memories! This kit contains everything you need to make baby hand prints, including instructions and decorative ribbons. The ‘Child to Cherish’ Tower of Time allows you to make a handprint for the first five years. There is a pink and blue version and even a multi version for unisex use. A truly unique gift to cherish and perfect for new parents.
More Best Baby Shower Gifts
Baby blanket
A family with a new baby can never have too many blankets, well, almost never! Especially in winter, extra blankets are always welcome. In addition to that, the baby may need one for the crib, one for the car seat, one for the stroller, one for friends (to sleep or play with), maybe one for daycare, one for diapers, receiving of blankets. etc. So even if the baby gets a few blankets, there is always a benefit for it!
Cashmere baby blankets are especially nice and comfortable, sure they are a little more expensive but they are worth the money and really make a great baby shower gift!
If the baby is a girl, your blanket gift can be used for years to come because dolls need cozy blankets too!
Baby Emergency Kit
This is a very practical DIY baby gift project and easy to make. Make an emergency kit for baby while traveling and put it in a convenient box or bag.
This little bag should contain everything a new mommy might need when on the go with baby: include things like two diapers in different sizes, a travel pack of wipes, a travel changing pad, a travel pack of diaper ointment, disposable washcloths, a baby nail clipper, a burp cloth, an extra baby outfit, a zippered wet bag (for a used diaper and/or a dirty baby clothes), a baby hair brush, a boo-boo bunny, a baby powder, a formula dispenser, baby bottle, spare pacifier, baby toys, baby face and body lotion, etc.
Mum always appreciates this kit when ‘something goes wrong’ while out and about with baby – and believe me, it happens a lot!
Gift Cards
Last but not least a gift card can be a good alternative. Yes, a gift card can be a great gift! This can happen if you are not sure what the new family might like. And if you don’t know them well yet.
Maybe you need a gift for twins or triplets? Or there may be several older siblings and the family already owns most of the baby items needed. Or maybe it’s because the new parents asked for it! Then they can decide for themselves what to get as their personal best baby shower gift!
Read why a gift card almost never fail and get valuable tips on what to remember when giving a gift card for a new baby and its family.
Make some baby diapers to go with the gift card, they’re a really cute addition to such a ‘boring baby gift’ 🙂 Click the image to go to the easy tutorial or buy some online for example at

Organizing a baby shower?
Baby shower decorating ideas, games and free print-outs here.
Best Baby Shower Gifts
For Twins And Multiples
When it comes to the best baby shower gifts for twins and multiples, you should think a little more practically!
With twins and multiples, (clothing) items like lots of onesies, diapers, babysitting coupons, frozen dinners, gift cards and practical gadgets are more than welcome to help survive everyday life.
Check out the full list of ideas here: best twin and multiple baby shower gifts.
Did you like my list for the best baby shower gifts? Do you have another idea of what a mom-to-be should really get at her baby shower? Let me know! I will be happy to share with the rest of the world. Thank you!
How to beautifully wrap your best baby shower gift.
What to write on a baby shower card.