
Democrats Claim They Support Women, But They Voted Against a Bill to Help Pregnant Moms

As thousands of Americans gathered in Washington DC for the 2024 March for Life, the House passed two pieces of pro-life legislation. With the theme of the March this year being “With Every Woman, For Every Child,” the two votes could not have been more appropriate.

On Thursday, January 18, 2024, the US House of Representatives passed two bills designed to help women and their families as well as pregnant and student parents. In a post-Roe America, it is more important today that pregnancy centers effectively support mothers and their babies.

HR 6918, the Supporting Pregnant and Parenting Women and Families Act (sponsored by Rep. Michelle Fischbach R-Mn), passed by a vote of 214-208. No Democrats supported the bill. To be paid ensures that pregnancy centers are eligible for federal funds directed to the state through the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.

This legislation is in response to a current proposed rule by the Biden Administration to restrict federal funds from going to pregnancy centers in some states that direct funds to them through the TANF program. HR 6918 would prohibit HHS from finalizing, implementing, or enforcing this or any similar rulemaking that would restrict the use of TANF for pregnancy centers.

The Proposed Rule, among other things, targets pregnancy resource centers by threatening to strip them of millions of dollars in funding claiming, without evidence, that the pregnancy centers are does not meet TANF criteria. This is funding that is currently being used to support and compassionately help millions of women and their unborn babies every year.

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On the same day, HR 6914, the Pregnant Students Rights Act (Rep. Ashley Hinson R-IA), passed by a vote of 212-207. Again, no Democrats supported the bill. This law seeks to inform pregnant students that they have rights to accommodations and that there are prohibitions against discrimination because of pregnancy under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.

According to the bill’s findings, “Female students enrolled in institutions of higher education who experience an unplanned pregnancy may face pressure that their only option is to accept an abortion or risk the academic failure.”

HR 6914 would ensure that pregnant students, as well as students who are caring for a baby after birth, receive information on the resources that exist to help them. Students will also be provided with information on how to file a complaint with the Department of Education based on Title IX and file a discrimination complaint at an institution of higher education.

HR 6914 and HR 6918 reflect the pro-life movement’s commitment not only to protecting unborn babies but also to helping their mothers get the support and practical help they need.

According to National Right to Life President Carol Tobias,

Long-standing narrow-mindedness, all House Democrats have failed to support these reasonable measures because the bills do not promote abortion. Once again, leaders in the Democratic Party have shown their loyalty to the abortion industry and its excesses.

Although these bills are unlikely to receive any action in the Senate, the House must continue to fight for mothers and their unborn children.

New Speaker Mike Johnson addressed the March for Life crowd saying,

We know that those are the centers that report expecting mothers and fathers. And that action would diminish that important work, the important material support that expectant and first-time mothers can get from these centers. Our bill would prevent that regulation from going into effect and ensure that states can use these centers to help people in need. Who could be against that? We are, we are passing these bills and we are marching today because it takes a lot of work to convince people that every single human child, every unborn child, has a value that is too deep and important to ignore. . And we have every reason to be optimistic, my friends, that we can change public opinion.

LifeNews Note: Jennifer Popik is the legislative director for the National Right to Life.

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