
Elon Musk’s ‘accidental pregnancy’ tweet elicits powerful responses from moms

Elon Musk recently sent a tweet in X discussing the misconception that a planned pregnancy is the worst thing that can happen to a woman. The responses confirmed that many women who thought having a baby would ruin their lives actually experienced the opposite.

“Women in the West are taught that an unintended pregnancy is the worst thing that can happen to them. Thus, they vehemently oppose abortion bans as an existential threat,” Musk wrote. “Many men also fear that they will not be ‘happy’ if abortion is banned.”

Many responses to this tweet proved that unplanned babies are definitely not the worst thing that can happen to a woman. They are definitely one of the best.

Virginia wrote“I got pregnant ‘on purpose’, didn’t want to, looked for an abortion, couldn’t find one, had a child and I wouldn’t trade him for Elon’s wealth today.”

Another woman wrote, “All 3 of my children were ‘accidents.’ They are all my greatest loves too. Just because something isn’t intentional doesn’t mean it won’t be awesome.”

Christy shared, “Having a baby in high school didn’t stop me; I took my son to college and law school. An unplanned pregnancy does not mean the end of your dreams. Women need to know this.”

Jessica wrote, “Becoming a mother is the single best thing that has happened in my entire life.”

Another woman said, “I almost had an abortion. My mother was grateful to hear a sermon that opened her eyes. 2 out of 3 of my men are unplanned. All 3 were the best things that ever happened to me, and I never wanted to be a mother until this happened. I’m glad abortion wasn’t an option in my mind.”

Kim shared, “My accidental pregnancy was the best thing that ever happened to me. I now have four beautiful grandchildren as an added bonus.”

Beth said she was 22, married, broke, and scared when she found out she was pregnant. She said she “had no idea how to take care of me [of] a baby. I did a lot of prayer and meditation. Within moments God gave me my answer[.] God said ‘trust me and I will make a way’. My son is 22 now.”

Another woman explained, “I was single and had an unplanned pregnancy at 18. It made it more difficult logistically, but I still went on to get a doctorate. Even so, he was the best thing that I did! I don’t want to think what my life would have been like without him.”

One mother just said, “Having a baby at 17 changed my life for the better.”

Chrissy explains, “All three of mine were accidents, and each one of them was exactly what I needed at the time, and I don’t want to remember my life without them. It’s like everything else. It’s what you make of it, and where there’s a will, there’s a way. I did it alone, and while I was fighting cancer.”

An X user shared his view as a child who was considered an “accident.” She wrote, “I was the result of an unplanned pregnancy. I shouldn’t have known but an abortion was considered and decided against. I started in government housing, now I have college, a nice home, a wife and 4 son. I’m kind of glad I didn’t have an abortion.”

Mikaela has a different perspective on the subject, as someone who has had an abortion. “They think a child is the worst thing that will happen to them, I’m here to tell them abortion is the worst thing. It’s really horrible and you can’t get it back,” she said.

Millions of Americans live today, unaware that their lives were “unplanned” or “accidental” in the eyes of their parents. But that doesn’t mean they’re unwanted or unloved, as the abortion industry wants women to believe. When women are unsure of how to handle motherhood, there are pregnancy centers in every state that are there to support them and provide them with material goods and help with education, health care, child care, housing, emotional that support, and more — despite the fact that pro-abortion politicians want to shut down these important resources for women.

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