Emergency C-Section & Healing Cesarean Birth after Ectopic Pregnancy

Merasha shares the story of her 2 births and ectopic pregnancy. Her first birth was planned to be an unmedicated hospital birth, but due to complications the baby was delivered via c-section. Merasha struggled with breastfeeding and her mental health after the birth of her daughter while working on her final undergrad course for her Bachelor’s degree just 2 weeks after the birth of her daughter. In the winter of 2021, Merasha and her husband learn that they are unexpectedly pregnant. the pregnancy came at a time when Merasha had a lapse in health insurance. unfortunately the pregnancy ended due to being ectopic and requiring surgery, alone, due to strict visitor rules around covid. however, Merasha recovered and soon after she and her husband became pregnant again.
Merasha and her husband hoped for a pregnancy and birth that never happened; but baby has other plans. merasha went into labor 5 weeks early and was put on bed rest in hopes of making it to full term, with a 2 year old at home. Baby came two weeks later via emergency c-section. Baby number two went from being a planned c section, to a possible vbac to an emergency c section but due to more preparation, having a doula, and receiving therapy for her pregnancy and birth PTSD Merasha had redemption birth he dreamed of. , even if everything didn’t go to plan. Connect with Merasha at @yagirlm on instagram.
Medical Motif
This episode is sponsored by Medical Motif. Motif designs insurance-worthy products for busy moms. With a focus on innovation and empowerment, Motif’s line of breast pumps and maternity compression garments are sophisticated, yet discreet, and made to support moms as they navigate new motherhood. Discover why moms report more milk in less time with the Luna breast pump, and see how you can get it covered with insurance at motifmedical.com/birthhour.
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