From Your Postpartum Pro to Your Menopause Mentor

Fifteen years ago I was inspired to create a fitness community for expectant and new mothers which led to the beautiful birth of Active Moms’ Club in 2008…
…three years before my twin boys were born!
AMC is actually my first child.
At the time, pre- and postnatal fitness classes were unique and sought after in Chicago. As a new mom, I take the lead in supporting women on their postpartum journey.
Fast forward to 2023, I continue to serve moms on their fitness journey. These days most of my clients are in their 40’s and have children in elementary and middle school.
I am 52 years old with hardworking 7th graders! 😱 #moodswingsarerealinmyhouse
And guess what…
…most of my clients come in to menopause transition with its unexpected side-effects (whether they know it or not)!
I feel on top of the world as I reach my sixth decade in January 2022. (I even posted about it.)
…and then, things go backwards and sideways at the same time:
- my joints started to hurt
- I felt uninspired
- the weight gradually crept up on my midsection
- I always feel tired 🥱
- simple injuries last longer,
- and my ears… non-stop ringing 👂
At the time, I had no idea that these symptoms were common when hormone levels started to drop. (Newsflash— at least THREE dozen symptoms from declining estrogen/progesterone levels)!
Over the past year, I have been my biggest advocate to learn everything possible about the perimenopausal transition and how it affects a woman’s body.
And because I’ve been vocal about my struggles, my clients share their challenges, especially as they relate to changes in body composition.
If you feel this way, know that you are not alone.
My journey led me to pursue a certification as a Menopause Coaching Specialist.
I’m gaining a greater understanding of the science behind the changes 🤯 and I’ve discovered new fitness, nutrition and stress management techniques which helps me manage my symptoms and feel more like my “normal self”.
Warning broken trip…
…I’m talking small changes in exercise, dialing in nutrition timing, and allowing myself more recovery. (The complete opposite of what most women think!)
I bring these new techniques and frameworks to my clients to help women over 40 manage their menopause symptoms so they can feel more confident and unlock their healthiest, strongest bodies.
In my next blog post I will be pulling back the curtain on the signs and the science behind the perimenopause transition (We need more people talking about this!)
For now, tell me → Are you in this same transition?
Drop me an email ( and tell me “Yes, it’s me!”, “No, not yet!”, or “Hmm, Cassandra, I’m not sure.”
Xoxo, Coach C~