Getting to know Charnise Littles — Doulas of Capitol Hill

I love the way I love, nurture and celebrate myself. I love that I give myself permission to shine and be real when there is so much pressure not to.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Originally, I wanted to be a pediatrician when I grew up. It was very clear that I wanted to take care of children, run my own private practice and serve my community.
What are your top three values?
Transparency, vulnerability, and honesty. Transparency shines when honesty can be taken for granted and vulnerability is the courage needed to live it.
How would you like to be told that you are doing a good job?
My favorite way for someone to tell me I’m doing a good job is not only with words of encouragement but also with a pay raise, if appropriate.
Who is your role model and why?
I have two role models. One is Chandra Littles, my mother. She is the epitome of fun, mischief, and seizing moments to “live her best life.” The second is Oprah Winfrey who has spent her life shedding light and uncovering the truth and has been greatly rewarded for it. I want to be like them both!
If you had any superpower, what would it be?
My superpower is to grow things at an exponential rate in almost any environment. I can grow mature trees in seconds, build a community harvest in about 1 minute and spawn life in unusual ways. World hunger will disappear. Infant mortality will be reduced.
How would you describe your (doula) style?
This may sound funny (read) this, but I don’t care how people choose to have their babies. What I care about is families being informed of their many choices in pregnancy, birth and parenting. I care about giving birth to people who feel empowered and protected in their choices. I have a very calm presence in the midst of uncertainty and am very good at spreading that energy and power to those around me.
Describe yourself in 5 words
Delightful, intuitive, genuine, visionary, compassionate