11 Natural Remedies for Postpartum Depression

When it comes to recovering from childbirth, mental recovery can be just as difficult as physical.
Massive changes in hormones, severe sleep disruption and deprivation, changes in routine and identity, and some basic rewiring of your brain as you become a mother can leave you feeling like you’re not yourself.
While up to 80% of new mothers experience the baby blues, 10-15% of new mothers also experience postpartum depression – one of the many perinatal mood disorders that often require treatment.
While a combination of prescription drugs and therapy is one of the more widely used treatment options for postpartum depression, natural remedies — either alone or in conjunction with traditional treatment methods such as antidepressants — may provide some benefit.
That said, any and all treatment decisions should be made in conjunction with your care provider so that you can take care of your mental health just as you do that little baby.
What is postpartum depression?
The term postpartum depression (or PPD) refers to a depressive episode that occurs in new mothers anytime from a few weeks postpartum to up to three years after birth.
It can last months to years if left untreated, and is often accompanied by other perinatal mood disorders, such as postpartum anxiety or OCD. This combination of co-occurring disorders and the fact that it can last so long if left untreated makes it important to seek help if you think you or a loved one is experiencing PPD.
How is PPD different from the baby blues?
Most new mothers will experience some degree of ‘baby blues’. Usually appearing 2-3 days after birth, and often reaching day 5, many new mothers will find themselves crying for what feels like no reason, experiencing mood swings, feeling anxious or irritable, having trouble sleeping – generally not feeling well and not being themselves. The baby blues usually go away in a week or two, and generally do not require treatment.
PPD, however, does not go away and also includes symptoms that may indicate a major depressive episode is occurring. Fatigue, lack of appetite, feelings of guilt, worthlessness or hopelessness, disturbed sleep or oversleeping, anxiety, depressed mood, slow movement or heaviness in the chest, extreme feelings of sadness, feeling like you’re in a cloud, trouble bonding with the baby – all of these can be signs that someone is dealing with something other than the baby blues.
What causes PPD?
The baby blues and PPD both have large fluctuations in progesterone and estrogen levels to thank in part for their origin, although depression in general is an incredibly complex condition with several physiological factors that can play a role. A history of depression or anxiety before or during pregnancy, a difficult pregnancy or traumatic birth and low social or partner support are some factors that can increase your risk of developing PPD.
Are there any natural remedies for treating postpartum depression?
For people working with health care providers to treat PPD with natural remedies, there are several options that may be helpful.
Many of the studies linked below contain mentions of suicide. If you or someone you love is having suicidal thoughts, please call 911 or 988 if you are in the US, or your healthcare provider right away.
Vitamins and Supplements
Omega-3 fatty acids: Studies have shown that depression is less common in cultures where high levels of fish oil are commonly consumed, leading researchers to believe that DHA and EPA (two forms of Omega-3 fatty acids) may help reduce the risk of developing depression (studies suggest it may be beneficial in treatment this too, but more research needs to be done). Along with cold-water fatty fish like salmon and mackerel, flax seeds, chia seeds and walnuts are listed as good sources of Omega-3s.
Vitamin D: There are several studies that identify low vitamin D levels as a risk factor for developing PPD and suggest that boosting vitamin D levels may help in the successful treatment of PPD. It remains unclear exactly what role vitamin D plays (there are too many variables and too few studies to answer specific questions) but it seems to contribute to a successful recovery.
Saffron: Although saffron is often cited as a possible natural treatment for depression, human studies are lacking and results are inconclusive. However, it has been recognized as a potential natural treatment for symptoms of depression and anxiety. (Here’s a study that explains what looks promising and why more information is needed.)
Turmeric (curcumin): Studies suggest curcumin – found in the spice Turmeric – may help reduce symptoms of depression. Again, the how and why behind this (or pathophysiology if you want to sound science) has yet to be nailed down, but curcumin shows promise.
Magnesium: Studies show that magnesium is effective in treating depression, with or without additional medications. Check in with your healthcare provider to get the right dosage if this is something you want to try.
B vitamins – B vitamin deficiencies have been linked to an increased prevalence of depressive symptoms, although there is no definitive evidence of exactly why this may be, so it is unclear whether boosting B vitamins will help treat symptoms of depression. This study, however, showed reduced rates of PPD development when vitamin B6 was given from week 28 until delivery.
motherwort – There are fewer scientific studies (especially using human subjects) about the potential benefits of using Motherwort to help reduce symptoms of depression, but there is plenty of anecdotal evidence that it can help alleviate symptoms of common postpartum mood disorders such as depression and anxiety.
Lifestyle changes
Engage your parasympathetic nervous system – The long-term stress of a depressive episode means that the sympathetic nervous system is constantly watching. Activities that can trigger the parasympathetic nervous system can help reduce feelings of stress and help reduce symptoms of depression. Gentle exercise, yoga, meditation and deep breathing are all ways to help kick your parasympathetic nervous system into action.
Address key issues regarding spousal or family support – Lack of family or spousal support is a common factor in many cases of PPD. Learning how to ask for and/or receive help can be helpful in ultimately meeting your own needs and reducing symptoms of depression.
Bright light therapy – Studies suggest that light therapy may be a way to help combat the symptoms of depression. While researchers have very specific methods of exposing participants to bright light, exposure is still listed as a way to combat depression symptoms.
CBT (or regular old cognitive therapy) – Cognitive behavioral therapy is a way to treat symptoms of depression and anxiety, and works by teaching you to change thought patterns. That said, finding any qualified individual to talk to who can help you unpack the litany of physical and psychological causes that can result in postpartum mood disorder is a very important tool to add to your toolbox, no matter how you’re trying to treat your PPD. (Wondering how to find someone? Getting Help for Postpartum Depression has resources for both Canadian and US readers below.)
What about prescription drugs?
There is no shame in using medicine if you need it. Pharmacological treatment of postpartum depression may include an antidepressant medication (such as an SSRI, or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) as well as therapy to help you fully address all the underlying causes of PPD. (Want to read more about what it’s like to take an SSRI? Here’s a piece about being on and eventually coming off Zoloft.)
Watch out for scams
In researching this area, it became clear that this is something that people are looking for and exploiting. There are many companies out there that sell vitamins and supplements that claim to help treat postpartum depression. Some may be helpful, and some may just be a waste of money, so do your due diligence and read what’s on them before splurging on something that makes big promises. It’s also wise to clear any new supplements with your care provider to make sure they won’t interfere with any existing medications or pre-existing conditions or negatively influence breastfeeding if that’s what you’re doing.
Vitamins and supplements may help, but more research is needed
The brain is incredibly complex and the origins of depression are multifaceted. While we may not know exactly how or why something helps us manage symptoms or even cure depression, there is reliable research out there that suggests certain compounds found in organic sources can contribute to the prevention and management of depression symptoms – especially when used in conjunction with other forms of treatment. Ultimately, more research – particularly in humans – is needed before we can say for sure what does or does not help treat postpartum depression.
Have you had success treating your PPD?
Let us know what worked for you in the comments below if you feel comfortable sharing.
Our next reco: How I Prepared for Postpartum Depression – Before Baby Arrived