
How to Prevent 3rd Degree Tear Childbirth

postpartum prenatal health

Jan 18, 2023

How to prevent a third degree tear in childbirth is something that many pregnant women want to know. I am not a midwife or a doctor, but I myself have had two vaginal births. And I used some techniques to help minimize having a third degree tear for my second birth.

I suffered the consequences of a third degree tear for my first born. My recovery was very good after my second baby.

I wish I had known the consequences of trying too hard at the very end of my struggle with my first born. For full details on my birth stories:

My second baby:

My first child:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

After my examination and a very in-depth discussion with the doctor and midwife, I stuck with this plan:

My Plan

1. Making sure I have a highly qualified midwife

2. Making sure he knows my situation and history

3. Having a warm compress

4. Slow pushing and controlled throughout the process including crowning

5. Be open to a episiotomy if needed to help reduce another third degree tear

My PregActive Birth Prep program helped me focus and prepare for this, including the pushing phase.

How to Prevent a 3rd Degree Tear

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