Michigan Residents Must Call Legislators to Stop Implementation of Abortions Up to Birth

On Tuesday, October 17, proabortion Democrats on the Michigan State Senate Housing and Human Services Committee voted unanimously to send central elements of the dangerous Reproductive Health Act (RHA) to the Senate Floor for a vote. The 8-3 vote was along party lines with every Democrat voting in favor of repealing longstanding health and safety regulations, and three Republicans voting to keep the protections in place. . This brazen action comes on the heels of new poll data from Marketing Resource Group, LLC (MRG) showing overwhelming support for longstanding legal protections for women seeking abortions, protections now threatened by RHA passage. (MRG MI Poll, Fall 2023, October 2-8, 2023, MOE 4%)
The RHA eliminates informed consent and 24-hour waiting period protections, removes abortion clinic licensing regulations, including regulations ensuring that clinic hallways are wide enough for EMS workers and a stretcher in case of an emergency, eliminating the need for sanitary humane disposal of the fetus. remains, eliminating transparency for the abortion industry by eliminating abortion reporting, and more. Currently, the bill to remove the barrier to using taxpayer dollars to pay for another person’s abortion is stalled in the State House and is not included in the Senate’s package of bills.
New poll data released on October 16 from the MRG shows overwhelming support for existing regulatory threats of central parts of the RHA:
- 72% of Michigan voters want a 24-hour waiting period that allows for informed consent to remain in place. This is up from 63% in May; and
- A stunning 95% of Michigan voters support abortion clinic health and safety regulations. This is up from 90% in May. (See full poll results here).
The RHA now sits before the full Senate for a vote while stalled in the House. Right to Life Michigan is asking all Michigan state senators to VOTE NO on the Reproductive Health Act in an effort to protect a woman’s right to know and hold abortion clinics to basic health and safety standards for medical care.
TAKE ACTION, Call Your Lawmakers