
Mother’s Day Australia is May 14th 2023

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May 03, 2023

You are incredible. You have such strength and resilience.

You hold the space for your little ones, and will continue to do so even after they are no longer very small.

Your love for them is unconditional, even on hard days.

The days when things seem out of your hands. When the chaos becomes too much. When all you want to do is be alone.
The gentle touch. The hug. The ‘Mummy’. It instantly makes everything better.

They have this way of loving you that no one else can.

You feel completely at ease in their presence, no need to think about what to say or what to wear. Because they love you for who you are and on your worst hair day they will look you in the eye and say wordlessly, ‘you look beautiful’.

Your heart grows bigger every day with them..

Even when you think there is nothing more to give.

And something to do with you, as they discover the world and you guide them on their journey.

So Mom, here’s to you and everything you do.

I am personally grateful for my two sons. They are my world. Life has changed a lot in the past three years, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

They bring simplicity to a complex world.

They bring peace (and chaos) every day.

They bring laughter and joy that can flip any mood.

They are the best, and I love them now and forever.

Thank you for giving me the gift of Motherhood.

I am forever grateful.

x Your mom

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