Northern Ireland law restricting pro-life free speech takes effect

A buffer zone law restricting pro-life activity outside abortion facilities came into force in Northern Ireland on Friday.
Passed last year, the The Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) Act (Northern Ireland) makes it a Offense of the law to hold pro-life “protests” within 100m to 150m of the entrances or exits of abortion facilities. The law makes it illegal for anyone to “obstruct, record, influence or cause harassment, alarm or distress” as they enter or leave the facility. Violators are face a all right of £500.
The law does not refer to private property, but it applies to following public health trust:
- Southern Trust – Craigavon Area Hospital
- Southern Trust – Daisy Hill Hospital
- Belfast Trust – College Street
- Belfast Trust – Bradbury Wellbeing and Treatment Centre
- Northern Trust – Causeway Hospital
- Western Trust – Altnagelvin Hospital
- South Eastern Trust – Lagan Valley Hospital
- South Eastern Trust – Ulster Hospital
Buffer zone laws exist to limit pro-life activity, not allowing individuals to offer assistance or life-affirming options to women considering abortion. Although pro-lifers are often vilified as violent or aggressive, most of them are peaceful and prayerful, and many sidewalk counselors are thanked for the help they provide to abortion-minded women.
A spokesman for Abolish Abortion NI, a pro-life organisation, warned that because many churches were within the buffer zone area, the new law could interfere with religious freedom. The speaker, who wished to remain unnamed, cited the situation in the United Kingdom, where arrests have been made for people praying silently inside the buffer zones of abortion facilities.
“People are very concerned that the law is written in such an open-ended way that there is a lot of debate about the interpretation of the law. There is real concern that it will affect civil and religious liberties more broadly, “said the spokesperson to News Letter.
In response, police confirmed that since the law does not apply to private property, churches are exempt. A spokesperson for Abolish Abortion NI still warns against over-reaching buffer zone laws.
“This totalitarian imposition appears to interfere with free expression and religious activities conducted outside of [church] place,” the spokesman said. “This is a clear violation of freedom of expression.”