Unborn Babies Have a Right to be Born

This Easter, I experienced a stark reminder of the vital importance of pro-life work.
I was eating in a busy restaurant when I saw a family at a nearby table. A waitress helps lift a load of babies into a high chair so the youngest member of the party is up.
As soon as the baby was lifted off the table, I saw smiles all around—as if to say, “Yes, that’s better!”
And then it hit me: The baby deserves a place at the table. And, as pro-life advocates, that’s what we demand: that people—regardless of their age or stage of development—have a place at the table.
It is an issue of fairness. Why should anyone be denied the right to life? Regardless of her background, the circumstances of her conception, or her socio-economic status, a baby girl should by rights be accepted, valued, and loved.
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As a party member hugs the baby girl, you can see the joy on the faces. When we as a society condone and promote abortion, we are, in essence, canceling joy.
As politicians fretting over the word “rights” in this campaign season, let’s not forget that basic birthright—to have a place at the table. It is a right written in the human heart, which cannot be erased by any government official.
LifeNews.com Note: Maria Gallagher is the Legislative Director and Political Action Committee Director for the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation and she has written and reported for various broadcast and print media outlets, including National Public Radio, CBS Radio, and AP Radio.