Pandemic C-Section Birth Due to Fibroid Complications

After his wife carried and gave birth to their first child, AK became pregnant relatively quickly before the US COVID shutdowns took effect. This was part of the reason for choosing a homebirth midwife, who provided home visits throughout the pregnancy. COVID, the Floyd outbreaks, and an unexpected pregnancy complication contributed to a lot of anxiety during the pregnancy.
A 20-week anatomy scan showed both a healthy fetus, as well as two large uterine fibroids that had developed during the pregnancy. The larger fibroid displaces the cervix preventing the baby from entering the birth canal as well as causing the baby to constantly shift between the head down and transverse positions. A c-section birth was confirmed as the only viable birth option at a follow-up visit with a Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist, recommended for week 39.
During the next week’s c-section scheduling appointment with a new care team, the doctor emphasized the increased risk of bleeding and the potential for an emergency hysterectomy. An unplanned ultrasound showed that the umbilical cord was wrapped around the cervix and the new providers feared cord prolapse. AK was asked to go home and pack and return for overnight monitoring with surgery scheduled for the following afternoon. AK also labored through the night, and was joined the next day by her husband and doula, both of whom were fortunately allowed in the OR due to recent updates to the COVID protocol.
After the long difficulty of positioning the spine during preparation for surgery, AK was overcome with emotion and gratitude when he and his wife finally joined him in the OR. Despite the increased risk associated with fibroids and a small scare with a heart arrhythmia, the operation was successful and their second daughter, Zora, was born healthy at 37w6d.
AK Gloe-Thordin Bio
AK and his wife Kristy live in Minneapolis where they raise their two children, Luna and Zora, and their animals Avocado, Sol, and Franki. Connect with him on Instagram: @akgloethordin
BabyIt from Fairhaven Health
This episode is sponsored by Fairhaven Health. Fairhaven Health offers a wide range of products for fertility, pregnancy, breastfeeding and women’s health. Today, we’re featuring a product from their vaginal care line – BabyIt Perineal Massage and Postpartum Gel. BabyIt is a water-based, isotonic and paraben-free gel specifically designed for perineal massage during pregnancy, and to soothe sore tissues after childbirth. Fairhaven Health generously offers 15% off all products with code BirthHour15 at