Preparing Differently for 2nd Out-of-Hospital Birth after ECV + Discussion of Multiple Losses

Aaron’s first full-term pregnancy and delivery followed two first-trimester miscarriages. Aaron was referred to a hematologist to rule out any blood clotting issues and was encouraged to use blood thinners for subsequent pregnancies. Because of a back surgery that prevented spinal pain from being controlled, Aaron planned to give birth outside the hospital without medication at a birth center. After the first three months of using blood thinners, her OB and MFM agreed that blood thinners were unnecessary and that she could plan the birth she wanted outside of the hospital without medication. After an uneventful last two trimesters, she went into spontaneous labor at 39 weeks. After 21 hours of challenging active labor and 2.5 hours of pushing, Oliver entered the world. Aaron was challenged with severe nausea from early labor through labor, irregular but intense contractions, and scar tissue in the cervix, which inhibited normal development and had to be manually extracted. Aaron struggled to feel well-resourced during the long labor.
Almost three years later, Aaron found herself in a similar situation: pregnant after another two miscarriages. This time Aaron was put on a progesterone regime for the first trimester. For this birth, Aaron planned for a home birth with midwives. The only thing standing in the way of this plan is a stubborn, mischievous baby. After unsuccessful attempts to bring the baby home, Aaron and his wife decided to do an ECV at 38 weeks. Although heartbreaking, the procedure was successful and ultimately an empowering experience using evidence-based resources to make the best decision for their family. Aaron went slightly past his due date and began to feel contractions at 40 + 5. Expecting a long dilation, Aaron did not feel like calling the midwives, but fortunately, his wife insisted, and came they are at the right time to help. deliver their baby girl to the tub after 4 hours of active labor. During this labor, Aaron worked on moving, eating, drinking, and taking Zofran to keep his energy up.
Aaron Brame Bio
lives in Gainesville, FL, with her husband, Jason, sons Oliver, 3, Lula, seven months, and puppy Penny. Aaron works at an educational non-profit, and his wife owns a good woodworking business. Oliver and Lula specialize in making each other laugh and are generally really great kids. Aaron can be reached on Instagram at aaron_brame and also by email at
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