
The Matching Process at SPS: How Our Process Works and Why It’s So Successful

Whether you are a potential surrogate or prospective intended parent (IP), one of the most important parts of the surrogacy experience is the matching process.

This is the time when potential successors and IPs meet to determine if the relationship will be a good fit. Since so many factors come into play in finding the best match, most IPs opt to work with experienced surrogacy agencies to ensure a good match.

Here at Surrogate Parenting Services (SPS), we are proud to be one of the oldest and best surrogacy agencies in California, and we believe one of the main reasons for our success is our personalized matching process. With decades of experience, we’ve found that personalized matches are the best way for everyone involved in surrogacy to have the most satisfying experience.

How our matching process ensures your safety

While not all agencies operate the way SPS does, our first priority is to ensure that everyone we work with is both mentally and physically prepared for the journey ahead. For IPs in particular, an agency helps for eliminating most of the guesswork in finding the best alternative. Because surrogacy in California is an ever-growing industry, the potential surrogates available can be overwhelming and it can be difficult to know what criteria really matter when searching for the perfect surrogate.

Fortunately, using an agency for the matching process is the safest and most reliable way to find the right fit. Of course, quality agencies are with you well after the match is made, but helping with this initial step is an important safeguard that makes the whole process go more smoothly.

How our matching process works

At SPS, we do not offer an online database of surrogates for IPs to review. We feel that the matching process should be more personal. IIntended parents and surrogates who not only get along professionally but on a deeper, more personal level tend to have more rewarding experiences throughout the surrogacy process.

Our alternatives are not available to match until they are screened and accepted in our program. The screening includes a phone or video call with the companion SPS founder and president Cristie Montgomeryan in-home meeting with Cristie, criminal background check for the surrogate and her partner (if applicable), review of medical records, and a psychological evaluation.

Personal matching

Both surrogates and IPs create a profile early in the process, and Cristie also meets with both parties. Information gathered from profiles and meetings allows Cristie to learn more about what brought each party to surrogacy; what kind of experience they expect (ie, how close a relationship they want during the surrogacy process, etc.); and other values, beliefs, and expectations that may be important in the matching process.

Once the IPs and surrogates have spoken with Cristie, completed the personality profile, and entered the program, Cristie will use the information she has learned about each party to suggest a match. IPs will have the opportunity to review the profile of the surrogate that Cristie believes is the best fit for their journey, and vice versa. Cristie uses everything she’s learned from profiles, meetings with each party, and her 32+ years of experience in the field to create matches that are almost always a success.

The meeting

After the IPs and surrogates review each other’s profiles and decide to meet with each other, Cristie facilitates a meeting that includes the IPs, the surrogate, her partner (if applicable) and the case manager which will support both parties on their journey.

The meeting provides an opportunity for everyone to learn more about each other, discuss expectations for the relationship and re-examine sensitive issues, such as termination and pluralism. After the meeting, everyone goes home and has a chance to think about the possible match before moving forward. In our experience, almost everyone agrees to the fight!

Creating deep bonds

A major benefit of having a highly personalized match between surrogate and IPs is the opportunity to continue the relationship even after the child is born. Many surrogates remain close to IPs after the process because they are deeply engaged by their shared experience.

Regardless of the involvement of a surrogate in the child’s life, they can remain an important pillar of support for the parents as they go through a unique journey together. This doesn’t happen for everyone, but more often than not there will be a close friendship or family feeling between the parties.

Learn More About Surrogacy at Surrogacy Services

Surrogate Parenting Services is proud to celebrate more than 30 years of helping make dreams come true! Founded in 1990, Surrogacy Services (SPS) is a full-service surrogacy program that offers both parties an exceptionally supportive environment throughout the surrogacy relationship. We are passionate about creating ideal matches between surrogates and intended parents, so the journey is fulfilling for both parties and the future child is brought into this world in the best possible circumstances.

Learn more about our Surrogacy Program online or by calling (949) 363-9525.

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