
Toddlerhood: Best Parts of Life With a 1-Year-Old and a 2-Year-Old

Life with a toddler means there is never a dull moment. And if you have two babies, buckle up because the ride can get wild. But I’m not complaining about it. I love having a one year old and a two year old. There are several good reasons to parent two little people in their early childhood.

What Makes Parenting Multiple Toddlers Special

I could go on and on about why I love being a parent to multiple toddlers who are close in age (18 ½ months apart, to be exact). While having babies back to back can sometimes get a bad rap, I’m here to shine a light on some of the brightest spots in my journey of parenting two babies at once. Sure, some days are hard, but I would say that every upheaval is worth it for the love, joy, and sheer joy that my two children bring to each other and to our home every day. Here are some of my favorite things about being a mom to multiple toddlers.

They Learn So Much from Each Other in Toddlerhood

It is often said that parents are our children’s first teachers. As a former teacher turned stay-at-home mom, I am proud of this. But sometimes I question if I am doing enough to give my children everything they need to learn and grow.

Seeing my two toddlers interact with each other is an incredible gift — they learn so much from each other. My one-year-old mimics my two-year-old’s speech, actions, and every gesture. My two-year-old has learned sharing, caring, and all the soft skills we hope our children acquire. They continue to learn and grow together throughout their childhood. This is an amazing perk to parent two babies at once.

Every Day Is a Built-in Playdate When Toddlers Become Parents

I firmly believe that play is the most important activity of childhood — including childhood. Watching my first baby play with my second was a dream come true. Sure, we all have to face the tough, tearful times together. Yes, our playroom is always a bit messier than just a toddler. We might run out of space for the endless toys, books, and stuffed animals that one-year-olds and two-year-olds inevitably accumulate. Besides all that, my son and daughter always have each other to play with. And that is the most important thing.

Even though I love scheduling playdates with our friends, I find peace of mind in knowing that my kids have the constant benefit of each other’s company. They continue to entertain each other on a daily basis, and I am eager to see their gaming relationship develop as they get a little older.

Toddlers and Toddler Play Can Teach Us So Many Valuable Lessons

As the heart grows with each new child, so does wisdom. My one year old and two year old continue to teach me important life lessons during their childhood. For example, to give myself grace. I have two little people who are very close in age and both are very dependent (mostly) on me. The truth is, I feel like I’m lacking in some way almost every day. Even though I don’t know it, my toddlers are constantly reminding me to be easy on myself. I’m only human, but somehow — in their eyes — enough is enough. They also teach me to be flexible, prioritize, and adapt more than any position I held before becoming a mother.

Toddlerhood is a Magical Time to Share with Others

On top of that, getting a front row seat with my two toddlers was just as amazing. I don’t think I can get over how adorable my one year old and two year old are with each other. Seeing my oldest share his sweet, quirky toddler ways with my son makes my heart so happy.

My daughter was looking for her early riser brother in the morning, and her whole being lit up when she saw her big sister close by for a bear hug. When one laughs, the others echo with similar innocence and joy. When one climbs into my lap for snuggles and a story, the other follows. I always say that my children have their own secret language, and sometimes I feel like an outsider peeking in, but I ignore it. I love that my babies can form their bond from their early years. They truly enjoy each other’s presence, which makes my heart burst with gratitude.

Who knows what the future will bring for my children regarding their sibling dynamic. Right now, I’m enjoying every precious moment of being a mom to two little people living side by side in the fullness of childhood. Having multiple babies back to back can get a bad rap for many reasons, but I’m here to tell you that parenting two kids close in age isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. In fact, it is more. Life with a one year old and two year old is a gift.

And I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

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