Sciatica Pain During Pregnancy – Pregnancy & Newborn Magazine

With pregnancy comes all kinds of new aches and pains, but some expectant parents may rankle sciatica as one of the worst. The severity and frequency of sciatic pain varies from person to person, but all it takes is one experience to force a person to do everything they can to avoid it forever. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to try to prevent—or at least treat the symptoms of—this common pregnancy symptom.
The Link Between Sciatica and Pregnancy
If you’re experiencing “numbness, burning, or tingling in the leg, you may be dealing with sciatica,” says Evelyn Haworth, DC, a chiropractor in Chicago. Sciatica is a condition that can occur at any time, but it is particularly problematic for some during the third trimester. He explains, “The sciatic nerve is formed by five nerve roots that come together at the exit of the spine … if any of the nerve roots or the sciatic nerve is pinched, it can result in sciatic nerve pain. ”
What can cause nerves to become pinched during pregnancy, specifically? “The growing uterus puts pressure on the sciatic nerve, which is the longest nerve in the body,” says Kris Adair, MSN, RN, FNP-BCa nurse practitioner and founder of Adair Family Clinic and MedSpaadds, “This pressure can lead to pain, numbness, or tingling in the lower back, hips, buttocks, and legs.”
Additionally, Adair says the hormonal changes of pregnancy are the cause ligaments in the body to be more flexible can contribute to sciatica, because there is less support to keep the nerve protected from irritation or compression. Dr. mentioned Haworth cites weight gain, water retention, uterine expansion, and poor posture (often due to your growing belly and breasts) as other possible contributors. Plus, as your baby grows, its position can put pressure on the nerve, causing an unpleasant sensation.
Positions That Aggravate the Sciatic Nerve
There’s really nothing you can do about your changing ligaments or where your baby chooses to hug your uterus, but you’re not completely helpless. Certain positions are known to be more troublesome than others when it comes to sciatica.
“Sciatic nerve pain during pregnancy can occur in any position,” explains Adair, “but it’s more likely to occur when standing or sitting for long periods of time or when changing positions too quickly.” He says that sleeping on your back can also result in sciatic pain, because it puts pressure on the nerve.
In addition to avoiding these positions or situations if possible, Adair also suggests trying your best to maintain good posture (we know it’s not exactly easy when your center of gravity isn’t on your own) . You can also prevent sciatic nerve pain by making sure you regularly stretch and do muscle-strengthening exercises—as long as your OB approves them.
How to Relieve Sciatica Pain
Sometimes, despite your best efforts, you can’t avoid sciatica. In this case, Adair and Dr. Haworth of these suggestions for finding some relief:
- Sleep on a firm mattress and lie on your side with a pillow between your knees to keep your hips and spine aligned.
- If you’ve been sitting for a long time, take occasional breaks to stand up; if you’ve been standing for a long time, take regular breaks to sit down.
- Avoid lifting heavy objects.
- Practice gentle exercise, such as walking or prenatal yoga, to help strengthen the muscles that support your spine and reduce pressure on nerves (ask your provider before starting any new exercise, though).
- Apply heat or cold to the affected area.
- Wear a pregnancy girdle when your bump starts to come out.
- Take a warm bath.
- Get a prenatal massage.
Stressed by Dr. Haworth and Adair stress the importance of talking to your OB if your sciatic pain persists. “In some cases, your health care provider may recommend physical therapy or chiropractic care to help relieve pain,” says Adair.
Finally, Adair says it’s also important to seek immediate medical attention “if the pain is severe or persistent, or if you experience other symptoms such as fever, loss of bladder or bowel control, or weakness in the leg.”
Sciatica is undoubtedly one of the least enjoyable parts of pregnancy, but like all other unpleasant symptoms, it helps to remind yourself that it won’t last forever. In the meantime, rest as much as possible, change positions often, and don’t hesitate to ask your doctor for help.