
When Everything Seemed Impossible

You Made Life Choices Possible for Robyn

God is a God of the impossible. Given the situation Robyn* finds herself in, having this baby seems impossible for her. But God has different plans, which are probably common to all of our lives. Robyn had the opportunity to trust the Lord. What will he do?

Robyn’s situation is not unique, but it is one of the most painful our hotline coaches have ever heard. Robyn was raped and is worried she might be pregnant, but she doesn’t know for sure. The rape had happened a few months ago, and she didn’t think she would be able to carry the baby. He called our national hotline because he didn’t know what else to do. He understands the overwhelming anxiety and fear.

Our hotline coaches are trained to be sensitive when dealing with a caller in any crisis, but especially when the caller has been physically or sexually abused. Robyn’s coach chose her words carefully, relying on the Holy Spirit to guide their conversation.

Robyn was so relieved to discover that her coach was kind, compassionate, and a good listener. He let Robyn open up slowly to release everything weighing her down. They talked and prayed for almost an hour about her trauma, but also about how every baby is created in God’s image and deserves protection no matter how they were conceived.

At the end of their call, Robyn is still determined to have an abortion. She has not yet made an appointment, however, the PDL coach also provided her resources for her local pregnancy center. Robyn took down the information but didn’t promise to go. All Robyn’s coach and our team of mediators could do was pray that Robyn would find healing and choose life for her unborn baby.

The Power of Prayer at Work

We know God answers prayer in His own time. Sometimes that can be weeks, months, or years later, but sometimes He answers right away! Well, this time he answered immediately. After Robyn got off the phone with her hotline coach, she made an appointment at her local pregnancy center for the next morning. And he went!

When her hotline coach contacted Robyn to follow up with her, Robyn told her all about her visit to the pregnancy center and all the support she found there. The best news of all is that Robyn decided to keep her baby!

Robyn told her coach that the women at the pregnancy center showed her incredible compassion — compassion she had never received before — and that God used them to change her mind. Praise the Lord!

Robyn told the staff at the pregnancy center that she really felt God telling her to call the Care Net hotline, which resulted in her keeping the baby.

You made sure a coach was there to talk Robyn through her trauma and give her the support she needed to choose life for her baby despite her circumstances. You are the hands and feet of Jesus, and we praise God for you!

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