
You Changed Abigail’s Mind

And saved TWO lives in the process!

Every time a mother chooses life for her baby after calling our national hotline, it’s a big deal. That’s why Abigail*’s story is so exciting!

Abigail is a Christian who calls herself pro-choice and believes that abortion should always be available for certain situations. But, when she herself became pregnant, she did not like the idea of ​​abortion. Despite this, she doesn’t see how she can possibly raise a baby, especially when her boyfriend doesn’t see himself as a father.

You Helped Abigail Find Another Option

While searching on his phone, he found it Pregnancy Decision Line, Care Net’s national hotline, and decided to give it a try. The coach he talked to was nice. Abigail definitely understood and was next to the woman on the other end of the line.

After discussing why she is considering abortion, her coach asks Abigail about her faith. They had a long conversation, and talked about how God took care of her, and had a plan for her and her baby. The coach’s words resonated deeply. As Abigail dried her eyes, she shared, “I think I’m making it bigger than God.”

After that, the tone of the call changed.

Abigail was excited to learn that a pregnancy resource center was near her home, and decided to check it out. A visit to the pregnancy center was all it took to convince her that nursing her baby was the right choice! Everyone there was very nice and eager to help. The receptionist told her that everything in the baby boutique was bought and paid for by donors who wanted to provide for her material needs. He just cried thinking about that. God is answering her prayers here and now through this pregnancy center and people she has never met.

You Help Parents Beyond Pregnancy Centers

This young mother was even more surprised to learn that the center had actually partnered him church through a program called Making Living Disciples and their next meeting is tomorrow! Abigail knew then that she would have the support she needed—both practically and spiritually. But what really makes sure she doesn’t miscarry is actually seeing her baby on the ultrasound monitor. By the time she was out the door, Abigail was already thinking about baby names.

Through your donation to Care Net, you make a difference in the lives of scared moms and dads who just need someone by their side. Mothers like Abigail have pulled their lives from the brink of despair to abundant life, thanks to you.

Your continued partnership with Care Net ensures that next mom like Abigail can find the help she needs. More than that, for moms and dads who don’t know Jesus, you share the good news of the Gospel—saving lives now and forever! Thank you!

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