5 Tips To Motivate Yourself To Work Out While Pregnant

Before I started raising this little guy, I thought exercise while pregnant was a fad. I assumed my mile time was temporarily slower, but I didn’t think finding the motivation to lace up my shoes would be so difficult. I’m tired, moody, uncomfortable, and all I want to do is curl up in my warm blanket with a book and a bag of salt and vinegar. I struggled with finding the motivation to exercise during pregnancy, and I know I’m not the only one. Things are getting better, however, because I recognized the problem and decided to do something to help myself.
Here’s what works for me. I hope you find something that works for you.
Remind Yourself Why You’re Doing It
This one is simple. There is a long list of reasons why exercise during pregnancy is beneficial. It helps you sleep better, reduces uncomfortable bloating and constipation, and instead of draining energy, a good workout can be more energizing. Staying active during the nine months you’re carrying your baby will also prevent excess weight gain and make it easier to get back to your pre-pregnancy weight.
That’s the main thing I tell myself when I know I have to get off the couch. I know that if I don’t exercise now, I’ll regret it later when I want to go back to my favorite pair of jeans. There is even evidence that suggests exercising while pregnant can help you have an easier delivery and recovery after delivery.
Find the Right Workout
Don’t expect yourself to complete the same types of exercise at the same level of intensity as you did before you were pregnant. I mean, seriously, you’re growing a whole person. Your body is working harder than ever, and it deserves a little rest when it comes to sweating it out in the gym.
If you’ve always been a runner and don’t want to give that up, choose a shorter route or let yourself press that down button on the treadmill. And if you’re new to exercise or your old workouts feel like actual torture right now, find something that works. Swimming is a great pregnancy workout, or you can find an app or YouTube channel that specifically addresses prenatal exercise. Keep looking until you find something you don’t want to crawl into a hole and never come out of. The important part is that you are up and moving.
Treat Yourself to New Equipment
One of the reasons I wasn’t enjoying my normal workouts was because my new body felt foreign and uncomfortable. My clothes didn’t fit as well as they used to, and running around with a belly and big breasts was just weird.
A new workout wardrobe won’t make your body feel more “normal” but it will make you feel more comfortable. Take my advice and invest in pregnancy leggings and buy sports bras to accommodate your bigger boobs. I also treated myself to a new pair of Nikes just because I felt like it. You don’t have to drop a whole paycheck on fancy workout clothes, but a few new things will be worth it.
Write It Down and Follow Up
I follow this workout tip even though I don’t have a little person growing inside of me. If you put in the work, it’s a glorious feeling to see all your accomplishments written neatly in a planner or crossed off on a calendar. Seeing those completed workouts laid out on paper makes me want to continue the streak and motivates me to exercise while pregnant.
At the same time, seeing future workouts on your schedule helps you make exercise a regular part of your life. This tip will have an even bigger impact if you’re the type of person who looks forward to buying a new planner every year and gets a thrill out of making a schedule and sticking to it. If it’s on schedule, it should happen, and that alone may be enough to motivate you to exercise during pregnancy.
Choose the Right Environment
Gyms can be great for motivation, but they’re also crowded, smelly, and remote. Your super-sensitive pregnant nose may not appreciate the stench of random guy sweat, and getting in the car and driving can make motivation harder to come by.
If that’s the case, my suggestion is to invest in some kind of home gym. It doesn’t have to be an actual gym, it can just be a yoga mat set up in front of the TV or computer. Or maybe it’s the opposite for you, and you find your motivation outside the home. Don’t make exercising while pregnant harder than it already is. Find a place that works, even if it’s not your usual one.
I’m not going to lie and say that all your exercise problems will be fixed if you follow my advice. I still struggle to move, and wanting to exercise during pregnancy is harder than I thought. But when I apply these tips, I know I’m one exercise closer to being as healthy as possible. And that’s all that matters.