
A Tale of Two A-List Celebrities

A recent episode of The Morning Show on Apple TV aims to legitimize pregnancy centers.

Jennifer Aniston, the star of the series, is an outspoken critic of pro-life legislation. In 2019, while filming Murder Mysteryhe supported the stance of Netflix, which threatened to withdraw production in Georgia if the state’s heartbeat bill passed.

In 2021, she protested a similar law in Texas, quoting Rachel Green, from her popular character Friends: “No matrix, no opinion.”

Last year, following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roeher Instagram post declared, “They’re not done yet.”

In Season 3 of The Morning Showthe series focuses heavily on the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s historic decision in 2022. In the first episode, Aniston’s character (talk show host Andy Levy) labels pregnancy centers “fake abortion clinics” who usually lie to women.

“That hurts,” said one staff member.

“It’s crazy. Go to your doctor, you don’t want to lie,” complained Levy (Aniston).

In another scene, Bradley Jackson (co-star Reese Witherspoon) and Levy praise the “heroism” of a woman who smuggled abortion pills from Mexico to Texas.

Unfortunately, it is common for celebrities like Aniston and Witherspoon to use their influential platforms to push abortion propaganda. For pro-life supporters, it can be deflating and disheartening to watch as misinformation and hate spread like wildfire through various media channels.

However, amid the recent season premiere of The Morning Show and the buzz it generated, another female celebrity is in the spotlight for her dedication to the pro-life cause and her courage to go against the flow of Hollywood and pop culture. Kathy Ireland, a former supermodel, and current business mogul, is a welcome voice in the wilderness.

On September 26, Ireland was celebrated as a pro-life champion in the Live Action’s Annual Life Awards Galawith Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt, and the Sisters of Life.

“Tonight, we recognize some of our nation’s greatest defenders of life. Each lifetime awardee was carefully selected for their courage, commitment, and sacrifice to help create a world where every child is valued,” Live Action Vice President of External Relations Kimberly Bird told the crowd. “These inspiring honorees have demonstrated uncompromising and compassionate advocacy for pre-born children and their families through their dedicated work and courageous impact.”

At the gala, Ireland explained that despite becoming a Christian at age 18, she has been pro-choice for years.

“As a young adult, I identified as a pro-choice Christian. It just shows you the state of our country. How can that happen?” he says.

In an interview with EWTN, Ireland recalled how she transitioned from pro-choice to pro-life. Ironically, the turning point came when she auditioned for a film that was decidedly pro-abortion. The producer asked him if he was pro-choice.

“As the ‘yes’ came out of my mouth, I knew it wasn’t true…I realized I hadn’t really thought about that issue before,” he said. “I can’t be on the fence about something so important.”

Ireland changed her mind after she reviewed medical books belonging to her husband, Greg Olsen, an emergency room doctor.

“As I read, I saw that at the moment of conception, a new life is formed. The genetic blueprint is there. The unique fingerprint is there. The gender is determined. It is alive and it is growing…”

He also took issue with Planned Parenthood, asking, “What’s your best argument for being pro-choice?”

“I was told, ‘It’s just a bunch of cells. If you get it early, it doesn’t look like a baby.’ Even in my ignorance, I replied, ‘Is that so? That’s your best argument?”

Today, Ireland is speaking out on behalf of the unborn and is an outspoken critic of the abortion industry.

“Women are not given all the information to make an informed choice. They are told, as Planned Parenthood told me, ‘It’s just a bunch of cells.’ They are not given an ultrasound to see what their baby looks like. [They] rush in and rush out. This may be the most convenient choice for boyfriend, family, doctors; A fifteen-minute abortion against nine months of pregnancy…”

Ireland told EWTN that once we understand the truth about an unborn child inside the womb, defending life is an obvious choice.

“We all need to do everything we can to protect the most vulnerable among us,” he said.

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