Ad accurately states how Ohio’s Issue 1 would protect sexual predators

The organization Created Equal created a Ad which highlights a major concern surrounding Ohio’s Issue 1, which is on the November ballot — the protection of sexual predators.
Citing a real case involving a sexual predator in the state of Ohio last year, the ad points out how Issue 1 would allow sexual assailants to recruit minors for abortions.
In July of 2022, a 10-year-old girl was taken by her mother from Ohio to Indiana for an abortion. Before she reported the pregnancy – indicating that the girl had been raped – abortionist Caitlin Bernard broadcast the tragic situation to the media. His goal was to promote a false need to increase access to abortion in the state, which is now the goal of Issue 1.
“…[I]f Issue 1 passes, it could be her rapist behind the wheel, not her mother,” the ad said. “Issue 1 repeals important parental notification laws. A sexual abuser can drive your daughter to an abortion and you will be left in the dark. Vote No on 1. Protect our daughters, not predators.”
Live Action’s Aiding Abusers investigation exposed the abortion industry, specifically Planned Parenthood, for aiding sexual abusers who drive their victims for abortions and then continue to abuse them. Children as young as 12 were found repeatedly abused by adult sexual predators while Planned Parenthood aborted them and returned them to their abusers.
Former Planned Parenthood employees have shared that such cover-ups of sexual abuse are systemic throughout the organization. Sue Thayer, former Planned Parenthood facility manager, claims the organization discourages mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse, which is required by law.
In 2018, a man brought one of his victims, age 14, to Planned Parenthood for an abortion against her will after he had set an appointment for her. Planned Parenthood is a mandated reporter of abuse and, therefore, must contact authorities, but arrest records indicate that Planned Parenthood failed to do so.
Planned Parenthood also failed to report the rape of a 15-year-old after a staff member said it was “not worth the trouble” to contact authorities.
Situations like this may become more frequent when parental notification laws for abortion are repealed, as Issue 1 will do in Ohio. Without such laws, anyone can bring a minor survivor of sexual assault for an abortion, including the girl’s rapist, who is then able to continue the abuse after destroying a large body of evidence against her: the preborn child.
In addition, the girl’s parents were completely unaware of the abuse and abortion. If she were to suffer complications, they would not know that their daughter had taken abortion pills (the abortion pill has been found to be four times more dangerous than an abortion in the first trimester) or had undergone surgery may lead to bleeding. Without that knowledge, girls may not receive proper and timely medical care.