Baby Development Milestones – 1 to 12 Months

Milestones are the most important indicators of your baby’s growth and development. Learn about the most important baby development milestones your baby can reach in the first 12 months.
Milestones are important because they are the most important indicators of your baby’s growth and development. From being a newborn to being a toddler, your child goes through many developmental stages in the first year of life. These are the three main stages – physical (motor skills), cognitive, and social and emotional development.
However, the time and pace for these developmental stages can vary from one child to another. Some babies may reach a milestone earlier than expected, some later, and some may skip a milestone. Keeping all these differences in mind, here are the most important developmental milestones your baby can reach in the first 12 months.
#1st Month
- Made eye contact
- Crying for help
- Responds to your voice and smile
- Can lift the head when on his tummy
- The head turned towards the light
- Seeing black-and-white patterns
- May make “ooh” and “aah” sounds
#2nd Month
- Makes gurgling and cooing sounds
- Expressing anger
- The head can be lifted for a short time
- They may begin to put their hands to their mouths to relieve themselves
- Head and shoulders can be lifted during tummy time
- Follows faces and objects when held close to the face
#3rd Month
- Holding the head firmly
- Recognizes your face, scent, and voice
- Smile back when you smile
- Squeals, gurgles, and coos to get your attention
- Can follow a moving object with their eyes
- Mimics facial expressions and specific gestures
- Can roll from stomach to back
- May veer towards loud sounds
- Hands can come together and hit toys
#4 Month
- Constantly holding the head
- Can bear weight on legs
- Coos when you talk to him
- Can roll from stomach to back
- Doing mini push-ups
- Can hold favorite toys or objects
- Laugh out loud
- The first tooth can be cut
#5th Month
- Amuses oneself by playing with hands and feet
- Turn towards new sounds
- May show signs of alienation and separation anxiety
- The punches spat bubbles
- Can roll from back to stomach
- Transferring objects from one hand to another
- Can sit for a while without support
- Begins to chew on toys/objects
- Can be distinguished between bold colors
#6 Month
- Turn towards sounds and voices
- Makes noises like screams and whispers
- Roll to both sides
- Recognizing one’s own name
- Can sit without support
- May leap forward or begin to crawl
- May drag favorite toys or objects towards himself
- Ready for solid foods
- Teething begins
#7th Month
- Starts crawling, scooting
- Learned to use thumb and fingers
- Can play peek-a-boo
- Can sit without support
- Can stand while holding something
- Can blow objects or toys to make sound
- Expressing anger in an intense way
- Can wave goodbye
- May imitate speech sounds, such as “baba” and “dada”
#8th Month
- Sits perfectly without any support
- Trying to clap hands
- Responds to his name
- May be anxious or shy around strangers
- Can say words like “mama” and “papa”
- Enjoys interactive games
- Standing while holding something
- Starts going around the tables and furniture
- Desires can be expressed with actions
- Objects can be grasped using a thumb-finger pincer grasp
#9 Month
- Trying to climb the stairs
- Mimics the actions of others
- Permanent things are learned
- Begins to hold and use a sippy cup
- Can feed themselves with fingers
- Trying to hold the spoon when feeding
- Recognizes oneself in the mirror
- wave “bye-bye”
- Bangs, drops, and throwing things
- Sailing while holding on to furniture
- Can play pat-a-cake and peek-a-boo
- Can correctly distinguish between mom and dad
#10th Month
- Pulled himself to his feet
- Can stand unassisted for a few seconds
- Shuffles and rearranges toys
- Responds to applause
- Shows all moods like happy, sad, and angry
- It crawls and sails well
- Says “papa” and “mama” to the right parent
- Can drink from a cup
- Points to distant objects
#11 Month
- Standing alone for a few seconds
- Understand the word “no” and simple instructions
- Open the pages of a book
- Toys/objects can be placed in a container
- Can say one word besides “mama” and “papa”
- Playing pat-a-cake
- Several steps can be taken
#12th Month
- Copying the work of others
- Sounds like the word Jabbers
- Points, waves goodbye, and claps
- Takes a few steps or bum-shuffles
- Can draw with crayons
- Standing without any support
- Shows temper
- Can say at least two words other than mama or dada
Always remember that every baby is different and reaches each of these milestones at their own pace. You can try different games and activities to help your child reach each milestone on time. If your baby still hasn’t reached a certain milestone, ask your doctor for advice.