Baby Shower Gift Bingo Instructions and printable game

Baby shower gift bingo is a spin-off of the popular and classic baby shower bingo!
It’s the perfect way to keep guests entertained throughout the gift opening process!
We also have classic baby shower bingo for you. Either one is fun and guests will love both versions!
Printable Baby Shower Gift Bingo Cards
Before the mommy-to-be starts opening all of her adorable new baby gifts, give each guest a bingo card and a pen.
Have each guest fill out their bingo card with the gifts they think the new mom will receive while opening her presents.
If the gift the expectant mother is opening matches a gift on the bingo card, the guest will cross it off her card.
The first guest to get 5 in a row (across, up/down, diagonal) wins a prize! You can play as many times as you want!
If you want to be extra crafty, you can ask guests to use cute “markers” to mark their squares (instead of crossing them off) Some baby themed items are: buttons, safety pins, Cheerios, baby rice puffs, etc.
Some great prize ideas for baby shower games are:
- lotion
- a $5 coffee shop card
- a cute potted plant
- a decorative dish towel
- any bath/spa items such as bath fizzies, bath bombs, soaps, bath beads, bubble baths, etc.
- a candle
You may want to keep the prizes simple if you have several games planned. Get our printable version here.
Classic Baby Shower Bingo Game
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