Breastfeeding? Here’s What You Need to Avoid.

Breastmilk is very nutritious. It contains all the essential nutrients that help the baby grow strong and develop a good immunity. As a mother, breastfeeding your baby is an amazing thing. Beyond giving baby the best food, you’re also strengthening the bond of motherhood. This is surely one of the most precious stages in a mother’s life.
Photo by Campaign for Mother’s Day 2022
Breast milk production is controlled by your body. However, what you eat influences the contents of breast milk. So, it is advised that you should eat a balanced diet during breastfeeding. This way, your baby gets balanced nutrition and a variety of flavors.
However, to keep your breast milk safe and healthy for your baby, there are some things you may need to avoid while breastfeeding.
What should you avoid?
Here are some things to avoid while breastfeeding.
Alcohol consumption may be best avoided during pregnancy and breastfeeding. How much alcohol passes into breast milk depends on how much you drink and also how much time passes between drinking alcohol and breastfeeding. however, Traces of alcohol are found in breast milk even after several hours of consumption.
Besides being bad for your baby, drinking alcohol is also linked to reduced milk supply in nursing mothers. Therefore, it is best to completely stop drinking alcohol while you are breastfeeding.
You can safely consume coffee during breastfeeding. However, too much coffee is bad for you and the baby. Caffeine, too, finds its way into breast milk. This can affect your baby’s sleep patterns and lead to crankiness.
Drinking coffee in moderation is okay. However, make sure you wait at least 2 hours before breastfeeding the baby after drinking coffee. Many first-time moms choose to avoid coffee altogether while breastfeeding. When it comes to energy drinks that contain caffeine, it may be best to stay away from them.
Processed Food / Junk Food
Processed food is high in calories, and unhealthy fats and sugars. They do not provide any essential nutrients. While the occasional slice of pizza won’t do any harm, too much processed food can reduce the nutritional value of your breastmilk.
Also, since the taste of breast milk is influenced by the food you eat, having too much junk food during breastfeeding is associated withbreastfed children prefer unhealthy foods they grow up.
Both active and passive smoking should be strictly avoided while you are breastfeeding. Cigarettes contain nicotine that passes into your breast milk. It can make babies fussy and interfere with their sleep. It can also decrease your milk supply.
It is important to stop smoking while breastfeeding. It is also important to keep your baby away from second hand smoke to reduce the risk of lung and breathing problems.
Fish with high mercury content
Fish like fresh tuna have a high mercury content in them. Mercury in breastmilk can affect your baby’s neurological development. Therefore, it is suggested that breastfeeding mothers avoid high mercury fish in their diet.
If you are taking medications for pre-existing health conditions, it is best to consult your doctor to confirm if it is okay to continue the medication while breastfeeding. Avoid taking prescription drugs and take all prescription drugs only after checking with your doctor that they are safe for breastfeeding mothers.
As a mother, you want the best for your baby. If you choose to breastfeed, congratulations! You’ve taken the right step toward giving your baby the nutrition he needs. A little care in choosing healthy foods during this time can go a long way in promoting your baby’s health.
Be careful mummies. Remember to be happy and enjoy this stage. A happy mummy means a happy baby. 😉
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