Bringing Dreams & Miracles Together March 2024

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We are incredibly excited to announce our educational
television spotlight debut by Viewpoint with Dennis Quaid.
The Viewpoint team’s goal is to provide innovative and unique content featuring the world’s most influential organizations and individuals. Along with host Dennis Quaid, Viewpoint is “cultivating each segment with a strategy that adds value to our distribution partners and ultimately to people’s lives.”
As part of FSC’s incredible segment on Third-Party Reproduction, we’ve partnered with a fertility specialist, current intended parents, former surrogates, and many current surrogates to provide advocacy and education for those looking to develop their families through surrogacy and/or egg donation.
Spotlight airs regionally today in Chicago and Miami on the news networks and will air nationally on Public Television stations beginning March 25th.

Jillian first learned about surrogacy when she was a teenager. “I just thought, what a great experience to help other people start their family,” Jillian said.
She read through nine separate profiles before she found the Intended Parents that brought her up. “On their profile, they wrote a message to their future successor saying, ‘you don’t know this, but you will be the most important person in our lives.’ I just broke down and lost.”
Family Source Consultants was honored to be a part of the wonderful journey and welcome baby J into the world. The relationship between a surrogate or egg donor and Intended Parent(s) is something special and can be tailored to suit everyone’s needs, values, and expectations.

There may be some trepidation when it comes to trusting your egg donor or surrogate. MANY processes depend on beautiful souls
looking to make a difference in a stranger’s life.
“Intended parents should know that when a donor decides
undergo the process, they are ‘all in’. This is not a decision that donors make lightly,” said Donor 535 — adding that donors are aware of the requirements,
which involves daily hormone shots and multiple trips to the doctor’s office.
“Look, the truth is that donating really takes a lot, but
I am committed and more than happy to do so.
Donor 535 is proud to have helped six separate families but still likes to talk about his experiences. “It still gives me the chills,” he said.
FSC could not be prouder of the promises our Egg Donors make for their Recipient Parents. Whatever your questions about Egg Donation,
Family Source is here to help!!

Family Source Consultants is still buzzing with excitement and success from our
Daddy Bites event in Chicago, IL. The entire program was created by FSC to provide agency, clinic, insurance, and legal information to gay and queer men seeking egg donation and surrogacy. With testimonials and experiences from actual Intended Parents, Surrogates, and Donors, as well as Expert Panelists from a fertility clinic, insurance agency,
and ART attorney, the event served men at all stages of their journey.
If you missed this event, NO WORRIES! Family Source will host another
Daddy is biting August 8th, 2024. Registration will be available soon!

Left to Right: Joy Rejholec, Chief Administrative Officer, Family Source Consultants (FSC);
Chris Gao, Vice President of International & Business Development, FSC;
Caryl Markus, Manager of the Center for Collaborative Medicine, Fertility Centers of Illinois (FCI),
Jason Smith, President, International Fertility Insurance (IFI);
Rainie Fang, Associate Attorney, Tsong Law Group; Andrea Rieckmann, Executive Assistant, FSC


This energetic and adorable 3-year-old celebrated her birthday in style! ❤️🩷
A big thank you to FSC Parents, L & M, for sharing and the Happiest of Birthdays in good P!

This stylish little #FSC miracle marked her first birthday last month! 🥳🎂
A big THANK YOU goes out to proud FSC parents I & V for treating us to these lovely photos! ❤️🩷
It’s not every day you celebrate a BIRTHday! 🩷🥳🎂
Our amazing FSC Surrogate S and his Proud FSC parents D & J were happily welcomed miracle baby A this week!
Our goal and passion is to help build families and nothing makes us happier than to hear what wonderful, interesting, and unique individuals are part of the world thanks to surrogacy or egg donation. If you’d like to highlight your little (or big) FSC child, we’d love to hear from you!
You can send photos and tell us all about their likes, dislikes, passions, accomplishments, and generally anything you want to share! Then keep your eyes peeled for newsletters over the next few months for a glimpse of your miracle.
Alternative support means not only offering sympathy and understanding during difficult times, but lifting each other up and celebrating success! FSC surrogates and our Surrogate Support Manager, Denise, have been through many journeys and are always available to support and encourage a positive experience.

Have you ever wondered what a surrogate looks for in an Intended Parent profile?
We polled our current surrogates about what was/are the most important details they read in an Intended Parent profile and the top answers may surprise you:
~ Compassionate Individuals: answers from the heart
~ Real Answers: honesty and imagination in writing
~ Relatable: adding life details that align with a Surrogate’s life
~The journey that led to surrogacy or egg donation
~The relationship you want your Donor or Surrogate to have
Having the ‘perfect profile’ or being overly critical of what you can include shouldn’t keep you up at night. What matters is that you speak from the heart, truly care about raising your family, and show your own unique personality. Our surrogates and egg donors do the same with their profiles and those make the most attractive matches and journeys.
We are excited to host events for intended and recipient parents, surrogates, and egg donors in an ongoing effort to help everyone become better educated to make informed decisions for their family building plan!
