Bringing Home Your Newborn Baby without Support: A Guide – Lovemère

Bringing home a new baby is a joyous occasion, but it can also be overwhelming, especially if you don’t have any support. Perhaps you have moved to a place far away from your near and dear ones, or your support system is unavailable due to some issue.
Whatever the reason, bring home a A newborn without support can feel fearful.
It’s okay to be stressed and scared. But don’t worry, there are things you can do to make it more manageable.
If you are an expectant mother and planning to bring your child home from the hospital with little or no support, this article is for you.
We have curated tips and resources to help you navigate the early stages of motherhood. With a little planning and preparation, you can make the transition as smooth as possible for you and your baby.
Preparing for Your Baby’s Arrival
Before your baby arrives, there are a few things you can do to make the transition easier:
Stock up on baby essentials: Make sure you have enough diapers, wipes, baby clothes and other baby essentials. It is best to keep these things ready before the baby arrives so that you are saved from shopping trips at least for a few days after the birth.
Prepare your home: Make sure your home is clean and tidy, and you have a safe place for your baby to sleep. If you’re setting up a nursery at home, try to keep everything in order, from the crib to the baby’s blankets, before your due date.
Have a meal plan: Cooking can be difficult with a new baby. So, it definitely helps if you can have meal plans so you can cook and freeze meals and save cooking time every day. It also helps to have high-protein snacks like granola bars for a quick bite. Remember that as a new mom, you’ll need to take care of your nutritional needs too!
Keep your breastfeeding gear ready: Having nursing bras and comfortable postpartum/nursing clothes to wear after giving birth will bring you great comfort as you transition into new motherhood. You may also consider keeping washable nursing pads and nipple creams to make your breastfeeding journey easier.
Plan for emergencies: Have a plan in case of an emergency. It could be your co-workers, neighbors, or friends. Make the plan with your spouse and make sure emergency contact numbers of doctors and other support networks are accessible.
Set up a support network: Even if you don’t have a regular support system with you, it’s time to start building one. Join a local new mom group or reach out to online communities for support and advice. Even if they can’t physically be near you, virtual support means a lot on tough days.
Bringing Your Baby Home
When it’s time to bring your baby home, take it easy and remember to breathe. Here are some tips to help you:
Accept help when it is offered: Even if you don’t have any family or friends nearby, you may be surprised at how willing people are to help. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or accept it when it’s offered.
Put self-care first: It’s easy to forget about yourself when you’re caring for a newborn, but self-care is important. Take naps when you can, eat healthy, and rest when you need to.
Keep a routine: Babies thrive on routine, so try to establish a predictable schedule for feeding, sleeping, and playtime. It will also make it easy for you to take time to relax and indulge in some self-care.
Take turns with the baby: You and your spouse can take turns taking care of the baby so that you both have time to yourself to relax. Caring for a newborn can be exhausting and taking some time off can help you rejuvenate before you take on baby duty again.
Some resources to help you
If you are an expectant mother in Singapore, the resources below may help you.
Health Hub Programs: Health Hub has curated content for moms on pregnancy and parenting from 0 to teens. If you don’t have any near and dear ones to offer advice, you can turn here for information. Access information here.
Support and Services for new parents: There are several support groups and helplines available in Singapore if you are a new parent. You can access the list of support and service networks here.
Community of Lovemère: The Lovemère community also has information for expectant mothers and new mothers. You can read interviews with experts or the experiences of other moms like you.
Bringing a new baby home without any support can be difficult, but it’s not impossible. Remember to take things one step at a time.
A newborn can seem like a lot of work, but usually, things start to get better as time goes by and you get used to being a mom!
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