
Celebrating Pregnancy Centers and Leaders

The end of the year always seems busy. Last-minute shopping seems to have become the norm over checking email and doing “a little more work.” Part of me misses being a kid. Not for gifts, but more for doing less. Remember getting out of school, having no obligations, and being bored during the holidays? I used to hate it. I think I’m going to like it now. The good people highlighted in this post, I bet they appreciate some downtime too. 🙂 When I read about what an amazing job they are doing, I wonder, am I doing my best? And then I realized, that’s exactly what I should be asking all year, am I doing my best?

We must ask this question at the end of the year. And we should be asking this in 2024. Check out these great photos from our photography contest, learn more about our scholarship winner, and the ministry that received our highest honor, the Presidential Award. In reviewing these highlights, let’s ask ourselves, “Are we doing all we can?” Keep scrolling and keep asking that question as you see pregnancy centers and leaders fighting, literally, for life.

The Guy Condon Presidential Award 2023

Presidential Award Recipient: Care Pregnancy Resource Center (CA)
Accepts: Dayna Homes, Executive Director

Roland Warren, President and CEO of Care Net, presented this award. Guy Condon is a past president of Care Net. Tragically, she tragically died in a car accident while returning from speaking at a pregnancy center banquet. Condon is an amazing inspiration for so many in terms of the work he has done over the years. Care Net honored him by naming him this award.

The award is presented annually to pregnancy centers with a holistic approach to client care. One who strives to save the lives of the unborn while focusing on healthy marriages, motherhood, fatherhood, and building strong, god-honoring families. These centers model Care Net’s Pro Abundant Life vision of engaging with local churches to make disciples for Jesus Christ.

Warren explained during the award presentation, that choosing a center for this award is not easy, and this year is no exception. Many centers have gone above and beyond to serve their clients and communities, but the center being honored tonight shines brightly in one particular area. They were chosen for their innovative approach to building bridges with local churches through their “Life Tribes.”

Their Life Tribes program reaches hundreds of young adults and teenagers annually in their community through youth groups and small-group studies in local churches. They strive to educate young adults about who they are, what they believe, and why they believe it so that a major decrease not only occurs in abortion but also in gender confusion, broken identity, and more another place that causes so much pain, as you probably see every day within your clients.

Dayna, you and your team at the Care Pregnancy Resource Center in Visalia and Tulare, California, clearly put Christ at the center of your ministry and use Him to make a generational impact in your community. It is a joy and an honor to be with you in ministry. We celebrate with you what God is doing through you. Congratulations, and thank you for your commitment to excellence.

2023 Regent Scholarship Recipient: Monserrat Macias


Erin Forsythe, Vice President of Strategic Programs at Care Net awarded this year’s full-tuition four-year Regent Scholarship to Monserrat Macias, a passionate and compassionate mother from Colorado Springs Colorado. Nominated by her parenting education teachers at the Colorado Springs Pregnancy Center, Monserrat is bilingual in English and Spanish and uses this skill in her own business that she founded in February of 2020. In her business, Monserrat is a resource consultant for the Latino Community and removes the language barrier for this community, thereby empowering them. Her heart for her community, as well as her drive, dedication, and perseverance, led the Colorado Springs Pregnancy Center team to nominate Monserrat.

In his application for this scholarship, Monserrat said:

I have always faced the uncertainty of receiving higher education. I got help from former employers, and I studied for a while. I want to go back and get my degree in business management. This is something I always aim to finish. I also wanted to be the first in my family to have a degree… The financial aspect was what stopped me. Receiving an undergraduate degree from Regent University will help me achieve this goal. I am currently a business owner and I am committed to helping the Underserved Latino Community in my area. Having my degree will open many doors for me regarding my business. I have many more people to help. My community is my passion, and getting a higher education will allow me to use that to help more and more people every day.

Throughout his application and interview, Monserrat’s servant’s heart is clear in reaching out to his community. Unfortunately Monserrat was unable to attend the Care Net National Conference in Mobile, Alabama in person, but we are still celebrating him with a live Zoom call. Monserrat tearfully accepted her scholarship award from representatives of Care Net and Regent University. He shared, “This is a huge thing for me, and I’m so grateful that I can continue my education and help more people because of it.”

2023 Care Net Conference Affiliate Photo Contest

Ahead of the Care Net National Conference, we asked you to submit your best “day in the life” photo from your pregnancy center. We received some great photos and have included a few so you can get a glimpse of these great stories from centers around the country.

Grand Prize Winner: Pregnancy Care Center, TN


A single mother of 3 brought her 15-year-old daughter to the Center for a pregnancy test. The mother was very shocked and planned for her daughter to have an abortion. Both mother and daughter received personal support and counseling in pregnancy decision-making. Together, they decide to choose life! You will see the sweet child in the middle of his grandmother and his mother.

2nd Place Winner: Bridgehaven Pregnancy Support Center, Iowa


“Earn While You Learn” – a mother and her young baby attending her parenting class.

3rd Place Winner: Bakersfield Pregnancy Center, CA


A client and father of the infant receiving a limited OB ultrasound to determine gestational age. Thanks to everyone who participated in this year’s photo contest!

Thanks for following the highlights from our National Conference. We are grateful to have these moments each year and look forward to the next 2024 when we travel to Colorado.

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