
Embracing Fidelity Month by Exploring Pillar One: Knowing God

At least two types of people exist in this world. JI Packer called them “balconeers” and “travelers.” Imagine two types of people, one sitting on the balcony overlooking the daily decisions of the other. Balconeers see problems as theoretical, as spectators. Travelers walk below the balcony, down the street, facing problems such as where to turn, and how to navigate properly. Travelers must be practical.

Both types of people are required. Some individuals seem to possess balconeer and traveler skills. Princeton Professor Robert P. George and Southern Seminary Professor Andrew T. Walker can handle the difficult balance between theory and practice. Each of them is written on the need for rallying people to loyalty. Citing a recent survey about social media from The Wall Street Journal showing a sharp decline in the importance Americans place on religion and family, George and Walker, among others, seek to make June Fidelity Month, a month dedicated to “the importance of fidelity to God, spouses and family , our country, and our communities. .”

Month of Loyalty, First Pillar: Loyalty to God

What is Fidelity Month?

Professor George took it upon himself, in a Facebook post, to declare June as “Fidelity Month.” to George The Facebook post was read:

You may have read about the rather troubling recent WSJ poll indicating a sharp decline in our fellow Americans’ belief in the importance of values ​​like patriotism, religion, family, and community—values ​​that used to unite the Americans despite our many differences. There are a million things we can and should do to restore the faith of our people, and begin to heal the terrible division in our county, but I want you to join a small part.

As my Facebook friends know, with the authority granted to me by no one else, I have declared June “Fidelity Month”—a month dedicated to the importance of faithfulness to God, to spouses and families, to our country, and our communities. ..I would be grateful if you and any organization you belong to, or have influence over, would recognize and celebrate Fidelity Month.

The First Pillar: Knowing God

Professor Walker followed up with an article on The first pillar of Fidelity Month, the recognition of God. He quoted Augustine’s The Confessions, saying, “Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in you.” It is fitting that the first pillar of Faithfulness is knowing God because we are designed to have a relationship with Him. We only find peace, love, joy, and purpose in God. Until then we are restless. God quenches our thirst, nothing else.

How we view and treat our families, how we serve the community, how we do everything—we get things right by starting in the right order—in our relationship with God. Walker taught the “order of loves” that believers should consider. We must prioritize our relationship with God. Get that relationship right, and other things can fall into place. Miss priority and chaos are promised.

Why is this first pillar important? Well, many of us walk around feeling lonely, empty, and worthless. But God says we have inherent value, worth, and dignity. We have meaning when we seek Him. Feeling empty? God’s law is written on your heart, put there to remind you to return to God. Test life in your power and that is the road to exhaustion. Return to God and find rest.

“Faithfulness to God” may mean for you to learn more, and to know about Him. For others, it is a call to recommit and practice the discipline of a relationship with God. Find out what God says about you, because only what He says matters. He alone is the highest good, or as Mark wrote, “No one is good except God alone” (Mark 10:18).

What does “knowing God” have to do with Pro Abundant Life?

Roland Warren says that Pro Abundant Life begins with our relationship with God. At Care Net, we know it’s important to save the lives of precious unborn babies — we’ve helped save nearly a million over the past 14 years. But God’s design is more in mind. In John 10:10, Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly.” We must look beyond saving a child to caring for the child’s mother, father, and how to build stronger families so that the cycle of death is unthinkable.

As Pro Abundant Life Christians, we can be as theoretical and “balonceer-y” as we like, but we must also be practical travelers. We must be practical in our knowledge of God. We must be practical so that we can make disciples, giving reason for the faith we say we have. What difference does knowing Him make in your life? What difference does it make in the lives of those around you? Would those around you describe you as someone who “knows God”? Let’s practice knowing God, practice faithfulness to Him—and see what happens.

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