Fall Uniform On Sale + The Best Booties Under $100

Eeeek… it’s the last week of Nordstrom Anniversary Sale! Either you are totally sick of hearing me talk about this or you are excited to get some deals early this year! Either way, it’s definitely one of my favorite times of the year. I think it’s mostly because it makes me excited for Fall. Again, I love the summer season, but Fall is just my favorite. It keeps me alive!
Today, I’m sharing this pre-fall look, also known as my fall uniform. A typical day for me in the fall is throwing on a cardigan, my favorite pair of blue jeans, and adding booties and a hat to give the whole fall vibe. It’s casual, but cozy, The only thing I’m missing is a pumpkin spice latte! (Trust me, I know they will be out sooner than we expect.) There’s still a ton nice booties in stock and on sale now, under $100! I’m linking my favorites below. Also, these Mark Fisher over the knee boots are still in stock in three different colors! These are a must have for fall!
Cardigan // Maternity Cage Tank (Non-Maternity Version) $13! // AG Denim // Sam Edelman Booties // Michele Watch // Fedora // Chloe Crossbody Bag (Similarly Budget Friendly)
How was your weekend?! It was really a very productive one for us! We’ve printed out our birth plan, a list of people to contact when I give birth, and our hospital bags are officially packed! Eeeeek I’m nervous, but relieved those big things are out of the way!