Fun ways to announce your pregnancy

If you are looking for original ways to announce your pregnancy, then read on! For couples eager to conceive, there’s nothing more exciting than finding out you’re pregnant and coming up with fun ways to announce your pregnancy! Having a baby will change your life forever, but for now, you can enjoy the pregnancy. And one of the best parts of being pregnant? Share the news with friends and family!
Since babies come so often, it’s fun to share the news in a special way. Below are some creative and fun ways to announce your pregnancy to your husband, friends, and family.
When to Announce Your Pregnancy
As soon as you see the positive on that little strip, you’ll probably want to tell the world – but try to be careful about how you announce your pregnancy. Most pregnant women wait until they are between 14 and 20 weeks into their pregnancy before sharing the news with people other than your husband. This gives you a chance to check in with your doctor and make sure the ultrasound looks good.
While it can be tempting to tell your inner circle right away, most women wait until after the first trimester, when the risk of miscarriage is highest. However, you are your expert and should feel empowered to make the decisions you feel are right. If you don’t want to wait until you’re through the first trimester, think about whether you feel comfortable telling your close friends and family if the pregnancy doesn’t work out. If the answer is yes, then go ahead and share the news with those closest to you.

How to Announce Your Pregnancy to Your Partner
Announcing your pregnancy in person to your loved ones can be a fun and special moment that you will all remember forever!
Below are our favorite fun ways to announce your pregnancy to your partner.

cake!! Bake or buy your partner’s favorite baked good and surprise them with this treat “Let’s have a baby together” cake topper. If you’re a baking enthusiast, whip up a batch of cookies with a special message, like “Eating for Two!” or “Baby on Board.” Share these treats with your loved ones and watch their faces light up when they get the news with each delicious bite.
wine!! Cover the label of a bottle of sparkling fruit juice with this customizable label. Then pour a glass for you and your partner and tell them it’s champagne. When they can’t help but question the quality of the champagne, hand them the bottle and watch their expression change from disappointment to confusion to excitement!
T-Shirts!! Surprise him with a “dad’s” gift. Example: leave a pile of t-shirts by your partner’s bedside, with this Daddy tee on high. While she’s trying to process everything, walk into the room wearing your Mommy version of the t-shirt. While this is a great surprise, the shirts will also make a great photo!
Surprise Box! Fill a small box with baby items like onesie, pacifier, and booties. Have your partner open it and find out the surprise! The gasps of joy will surely warm your heart.
Fun Ways to Announce Your Pregnancy to Your Parents
Is there anyone more excited about your pregnancy than you and your husband? Probably the grandparents-to-be!
If your parents or in-laws live far away, send them a card with a special surprise in it. Is your family big on sports? Send them a note letting them know you’re adding another player to their lineup a baseball-themed pregnancy announcement card.
Or take them these beautiful floral scratch-off cards revealing a big secret!
Put it in the mug! The next time your parents or in-laws come over, pour them some tea or coffee this special mug. When they finish their drink, they are in for a surprise.
If your grandparents love wine, customize the label in their favorite bottle and bring it to the next family dinner.
Ways to Announce Your Pregnancy with Pictures
These days, Instagram and Facebook are a great place to announce your pregnancy to your friends. Below are our top ideas to surprise your followers.

Get your pets involved! Have your dog sit or stand next to the board and write your pregnancy announcement message on it!

Take a family photo with your baby’s first photo – their sonogram!

Take a super cute photo with some baby socks or shoesat your and your partners feet!
Get your kids involved. These “promoted to big sister” shirts. and customizable signs is a perfect way to involve your children in the announcement.
Put on this scrabble t-shirt and post it on social media and see who gets it first!
How NOT to Announce Your Pregnancy
Below are our top dos and don’ts for announcing your pregnancy. While there are technically no rules, below are some guidelines you can consider before shouting the news from the rooftops!
1. Don’t hide it from your partner. As much as pregnancy is for you, it also has a big impact on your partner. Be sure to tell them right away.
2. Don’t tell the people you are close to on Facebook first. Be sure to tell the important people in your life before telling Facebook. The people closest to you should find out directly from you via phone call or one of our fun ways to announce your pregnancy below.
3. Don’t share news if you’re not ready. Some friends and acquaintances may notice when you don’t enjoy a mimosa at brunch as much as usual and may try to extract information from you. Be strong and resist the pressure to reveal your pregnancy if you don’t feel ready to tell. If they’re relentless, just say you’ve decided to stop drinking for a month for health reasons.
4. Don’t forget who you’re talking to. Many of the fun ways to announce your pregnancy below are perfect for sharing on social media or emailing friends and family. At work, remember to keep it quiet until you break the news to your boss.
However you announce your pregnancy, you can be sure it will be one of the most exciting news your friends and family hear that day!! Remember, mama, this is your special moment, so let your creativity shine! Choose an announcement that feels true to you and your partner. Whether you go big or keep it intimate, the love and excitement surrounding your pregnancy will be felt by all. Congratulations on this beautiful journey, and may it be filled with happiness, love, and many precious moments!
The next exciting thing you need to do is plan your Baby Shower! Check out our ideas for Baby Showers here!