Is it Due Day Yet? 39 Week Bumpdate

Is it due day? Time for a 39 week bumpdate. It’s actually a 39 1/2 week bumpdate! If you’d asked me when we took these photos, if I’d still been doing these bumpdates almost 40 weeks, I’d probably say, “Nooooo! She’s coming early! I have a feeling.” Despite the norm of first time moms going past their due date, I really had a feeling. Just like I felt we were having a girl. Now, to be fair, it’s still before our due date (August 18th) so possible that he is still early, but as of my latest appointment there is not much going on here in terms of progressing to labor.
The key right now is to keep calm, be patient, and know that he will come when he is ready! I know there are times when first time moms get frustrated during this time, but that doesn’t do anyone any good. Pregnancy prepares you for a life with a child where you don’t have as much control over things as you used to! I have zero control of when she makes her arrival, so my motto is enjoying these moments of feeling her little movements and spending time with Joey. It’s great not having a million things on our schedule lately. I can’t tell you how long it’s been since we just laid in bed and talked about random things every night!
39 Bumpdate Week
how are you feeling
Pregnant. I feel like I’m pregnant and all that goes with it. It was very difficult to tie my shoes or bend over. I was panting while climbing the stairs and my back hurt. Terrible. My face swelled as well as my hands and feet. They really hurt because I think carpel tunnel is a thing, especially when it’s swollen? It’s all uncomfortable at this point, but I’m not miserable.
In thinking:
I’ve also been a bit emotional these days. I had a pretty good handle on my emotions for the last few months until this week. Everyone made me cry. This stage of pregnancy is a strange stage because you know that any day your whole life will change. As I mentioned above, I try to stay positive and just know that he will come when he is ready. Resting now is key.
What are you craving these days?
Well, this is interesting. I feel like my cravings have been very manageable this pregnancy so far. Agh.. Sugar, chocolate, and fries. This is all I want to eat. I’m trying to keep it together, but I feel like those mini snickers are the perfect size. I will only eat 2. Until I ate half the bag. Or I’ll get a salad… but I’ll add fries to it. Thanks Pittsburgh for that trick. (Yes, it’s a Pittsburgh thing.)
Do you get maternity leave?
I broached this topic early in the pregnancy and at the time, I really wasn’t sure what my plan was. Well, I had planned in getting many blog posts done and scheduled in advance. Well, life happens and I didn’t live up to that exactly. I am currently working on some content to schedule a few weeks after Baby P arrives. I am planning to take two weeks just to ourselves so that Joey, Baby P, and I can get to know each other. If I’m completely gone in those two weeks, so be it :-).
Have you finished nursery yet?
Nope. It’s totally not my personality, but I want it to be perfect! I am very happy with what is happening. We’ve had some delays with some of the furniture pieces and some of the decor is taking longer than I expected so we’re just putting it together as the items come in. We have a bassinet set up in our room and our pack-n-play downstairs so we have exactly what we need for today! I can’t wait to share the reveal with you, though!
Are your hospital bags packed?
Yes! Thank God! I did a lot of research and stressed out about those hospital bags. Of course, I don’t know how to pack lightly. I’m sure I won’t have the most bags anyone has ever seen in a hospital and I probably won’t have the smallest bag. Middle ground. It’s a great place to be! I’ll share all the details of what’s in my bag on Monday!
Will you be doing photography during/after the birth?
I plan to have a photographer the day after Baby P is born! Lately, I’ve been wondering if I should hire someone for the actual birth. I don’t want to capture some of the graphic parts of the birth, but this emotional journey. Having someone take you and your husband to see your baby for the first time. Ahh.. That seems priceless to me. I love photographs and I actually get it from my mom. So is he. The pictures are so special and they say so much. I never ended up reaching out to a birth photographer, so I don’t know if it’s really too late. Have any of you had a birth photographer? Do you recommend it?