How PregActive Helped Suzzie to Stay Strong During Her Pregnancy

Exercise is important to me to help be strong for my little one and to feel good about myself! I also enjoy serotonin release which is very helpful as I also have a form of bipolar!
Which PregActive Program are you doing now and what do you think of it?
I am doing the Pregnancy program and I love it. I enjoy being able to do different exercises. I love how I never get bored with it and how nice it is to choose between so many options.
What was the biggest obstacle you had to overcome to get to where you are today?
My biggest obstacle in life is dealing with my bipolar. After many, many years of being misdiagnosed and using over 20 different medications, I finally got a proper diagnosis and a medication that helped a lot.
Also, I have great coping strategies and exercise is a big part of that. Not only does it give me a serotonin boost, it makes me feel great and accomplished that I can do something so hard!
I really learned that I am a strong person!
My second biggest obstacle was going through both ectopic pregnancy.
My first, I had to have emergency surgery at 10 weeks pregnant. It was very difficult because I had no idea and I had no pain and even my gynecologist was surprised! And then when my second one happened, I got hit with the news that our friends and my husbands brother were both pregnant.
So very sad, but with my positive and gung-ho attitude, we managed IVF to be successful the first time with our little girl 🙂
Looking back, what advice would you give yourself?
One thing I wish I had learned earlier is that I am a strong, resilient person who can handle anything life throws at her.
I just skated through life in a fog of wrong medications and it wasn’t until my husband pushed me to get another opinion and see a psychiatrist and therapist that I really knew that I was only getting stronger every day.
It has really helped me through every obstacle that has been thrown in my life and has helped me see that I have overcome these obstacles because I can handle them. Funny story; My husband calls me Lemon.
There’s one thing when you buy a used car it’s usually a Lemon because you’re always fixing it! Although, I’m always being fixed, I’m getting stronger and stronger!
What advice would you give to another Mama who is nervous about starting to exercise during her pregnancy or postpartum journey?
Everything in the world is scary but when you try it, you’ll know if you love it or hate it and you won’t know until you take that plunge. So go ahead and be proud of yourself for doing something new!
How has PregActive helped you? And why are you glad you found our Online PregActive Studio?
PregActive has helped me maintain an exercise schedule. But it also made me physically stronger and helped me know that when my little one came, I wouldn’t complain about how heavy he was or how much I hurt.
I also love that it helps prepare me for the birth and that I really don’t feel scared but optimistic that I will make it through the other side!
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
Thanks for making these videos and sharing your story. This is very empowering and a great idea! I wish I felt better about posting on forums but I’m terrible at it!! And thanks for checking in with me!