How to do Denim: Pregnant

Jeans. They are what we wear for life.
Then you find yourself pregnant and suddenly one day, life changed and your jeans didn’t.
So, here’s a primer on denim and how to do it right, while pregnant.
When to buy maternity jeans?
- You don’t get bonus points for “holding back”. Make the most of this purchase and stock up on jeans early. These jeans get heavy rotation.
- Your “dollar per wear” on your maternity jeans will make them the least expensive jeans you own.
- Hair bands sometimes work for some people for a minute, but you’re really just delaying the inevitable. And temporarily leaving your pants unzipped. #awkward
- Don’t wear your fat jeans. You are not fat.
- Pregnant weight is centralized in one area, one size larger overall, and in a week or two the baby will outgrow you in those too.
What size do I need?
- Get jeans that fit your legs, butt and thighs the way you want your jeans to fit. Yes, those areas may increase slightly, but with average weight gain if they fit you at 12 weeks, they will carry you through the full term.
- Buy jeans that are too big and they will slip and drive you crazy.
- Buy jeans with loose super soft panels and they will slide down and drive you crazy.
- Whatever you do, don’t go up a size because you’re pregnant. If we had a dollar for every woman who came in at a 29 and came out at a 26 we could retire.
- Remember that denim is relaxing, so, if they feel a little tight when you first put them on, leave the tags on, don’t put pizza on them, walk around the house a bit, see if how they feel after an hour or two.
- You can wear jeans throughout term, but in the last few weeks some women just don’t feel like it.
- The Trip-Back-Down is real, and whatever jeans you end up wearing after delivery if you’re like 99.9999% of women.
The great Over or Under debate.
- You don’t need the bottom at the beginning and the top of the bump at the end. We’re not sure where that rumor started.
- There is no better or worse/right or wrong, in life and in maternity jeans too. There is a what-feels-best-to-you, so, try them both on, you’ll know. Your friend knows what he likes best, you don’t have the same body.
- J Brand, Paige and DL1961 do just under the bump, that’s the info on what most people want.
- Under the bump it’s less like you’re wearing your maternity jeans after giving birth and some people are like that.
How do I need pairs?
- We can’t answer that. How often do you wear jeans? How many pairs do you have in your pre-preg wardrobe?
- You are a growing man. Get as many as you can so you feel good.
What are my options?
many 🙂
Very thin
and of course, black!
Overalls, shorts and more. Everything you need to keep mom happy for 40 weeks! This is real life. Long live!! Feels good!!
Disclaimer: Small Biz livin in Covid-we may be out of these because all these styles go fast when we blog things, so, if you want something and we don’t have it in your size, -email or text 415.269.0456 with your size and the style and we’ll get it for you! #supportsmallthroughitall and we will get through EVERYTHING!