Infamous Illinois abortion facility sends three more women to the hospital

The Hope Clinic for Women in Granite City, Illinois, is arguably one of the most dangerous abortion facilities in the country — not just for human life before birth, but for women. Contrary to the old mantra that abortion should be “safe, legal, and rare,” abortion at Hope Clinic appears to be largely none of these.
This past month, in December 2023, three other women was taken by emergency vehicles from Hope Clinic to a hospital. This brings the total of documented emergencies at one of America’s most dangerous clinics to at least 15 for the entire year. Hope Clinic for Women has seen a dramatic increase in business since neighboring states strictly imposed protections for the pre-born.
Hope Clinic for Women makes regular visits state law banning abortion after “viability” and no matter how much advertises. The facility recently began advertising abortions up to 27 weeks and 6 days. At 28 weeks of development, a baby can survive outside the womb at a rate that 80 to 90%.
Screenshot: Hope Clinic, Granite City, IL
One of the most recent botched abortions at Hope Clinic was of a 25-week-old fetus — more than six months’ gestation. According to Operation Rescuemost states consider the gestational age of viability — a very subjective concept, in reality — to begin at 24 weeks.
While the Illinois Department of Public Health looks the other way when it comes to viability, so do they doesn’t seem to care when it comes to many unfortunate women who must be forcibly taken to the hospital.
This is Pennsylvania Department of Public Health who also chose to look the other way in the case of Kermit Gosnell. Kermit Gosnell, a well-known abortionist, also routinely performed post-mortem abortions in violation of state laws. In the end he was convicted and sentenced to prison for his crimes.
The governor of Illinois is proud of that 10,000 abortions and abortion-related procedures is dedicated to women who have traveled from across the region. Abortion is once again proving unsafe for babies, or women who seek it.
The DOJ jailed a pro-life grandmother this Christmas for protesting the killing of preborn children. Please take 30 seconds to TELL CONGRESS: STOP DOJ FROM TARGETING PRO-LIFE AMERICANS.