It’s Body Appreciation Day!

Nope. We just did that.
But, we feel strongly that it should be something, and we strongly feel that it shouldn’t just be one day! How about a year? How about forever?
Almost every day we hear of women struggling with the changes their bodies are going through. Frustrated. sad Anger. And, we get it, it’s hard! It’s really strange to have so little control over something that we used to have at least some degree of control over. Suddenly we focus on all the imperfections- our perceived imperfections.
I remember a client telling me with glee once, of her 3 month old baby, “She has cellulite! It can’t be a bad thing! I was born with it!!”
It is time to change our views. No?
The bodies we’re with here at Mom’s the Word?
And we knock them?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
That should be more than enough, but, just in case people aren’t impressed, also:
- has the ability to become the exclusive food source for new people
- able to support the life of another little person
So, how about this, show your body the respect it deserves? It’s up to us moms to stop body shaming.