Milk Let-Down? Here’s All You Need to Know

Once you start breastfeeding, milk leaking from the breasts is common among mothers. It is also known as milk ‘let-down’. Although it’s not the most comfortable situation, it’s part of being a breastfeeding mom. In today’s blog, we explore all about milk leakage and how to deal with this situation.
What exactly are milk leaks or let-down?
Your breasts prepare for making and giving milk to the baby even before the baby is born. After giving birth, a hormone called prolactin is responsible for producing milk in your body that the baby receives from the nipples.
Why does let-down happen in breastfeeding mothers?
Leakage of milk is not accidental. They happen without notice. When you breastfeed your baby, two hormones come in – prolactin makes milk and oxytocin causes milk to come out so your baby can feed.
These two hormones are triggered when you are breastfeeding. But they can also be triggered at other times causing milk to leak. Here are some of the main causes of hormone triggers and milk leakage.
- Milk is in oversupply and when the breasts are full and the baby is not feeding, the milk is let down. This usually occurs in the first few days when regular supply and feeding have not been established.
- When a feeding routine is set and it is time for the baby to feed but the breastfeeding session is skipped for some reason.
- When there is an oxytocin trigger such as seeing your baby, hearing your baby cry, or hearing any baby cry, etc. All these triggers tell your brain that there is a hungry baby that needs milk and the milk starts to flow.
- When you take a warm shower, the milk ducts can become activated and release milk involuntarily.
Usually, in the early stage of breastfeeding when a regular feeding has not been established, there is a chance that the milk produced by the body will automatically come out of the nipples even if the baby is not feeding. Milk can come out in a spray or in a drop. Some mothers feel tingling in the breasts before they are released.
Can you avoid the milk spill?
Leaking milk is uncomfortable. They can make you feel sticky in the chest area. When not cleaned and dried, it can also lead to fungal infections and rashes. And of course, when milk leaks, it can soak your nursing bra and even the top you’re wearing.
Because of all these reasons, you may be looking for ways to prevent milk leakage. Here are some ways you can do this.
- You should try to feed your baby on time. This helps establish regular feedings and empty your breasts on time, preventing chances of emptying.
- If you are not feeding at regular intervals for reasons such as going back to work, you can pump the milk. You can keep it aside and feed it to your baby later.
- To stop the leakage of milk, you can press the palm of your hand firmly on the nipples. However, please do not do this in the early stages of breastfeeding as it may interfere with your milk supply.
How to deal with milk let-down?
Although there are several ways in which you can prevent or reduce the chances of milk leakage, you may still experience leaking breasts. Here are some ways to deal with this situation.
- Put on nursing breast pads. These pads absorb leaking milk and keep the breast area dry. However, when using breast pads, please make sure to change them often. Also, wash and dry them between uses.
- Place a thick folded towel under you when you sleep. This will help catch any leaks and protect the mattress.
Many mothers experience milk leakage at some point in their breastfeeding journey. Being aware of this and taking appropriate steps can help you avoid discomfort and the possibility of infection. So, stay informed, and enjoy this wonderful phase with your baby.
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