Mom Goes Viral After Breastfeeding Baby on Disney Ride

Breastfeeding can be a wild ride, but one mom takes it to the next level!
Meredith Barnyak has recently pushed for breastfeeding after a photo of her breastfeeding her daughter on Disney World’s Frozen Ever After theme park ride went viral. “As soon as I saw the flash, I was like, ‘Oh, I think all these people have a picture of (me) breastfeeding my baby on this ride,'” Barnyak said with a laugh.
Barnyak explained that she traveled from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to Orlando, Florida last week to introduce her children—Graham, 3, and Poppy, 1—to the magic of Disney World. Despite all the fun, Barnyak noted that little Poppy often gets confused on the slower rides she and her family ride.
“He was just pulling my shirt and I thought, ‘OK, it’s dark outside. We are all human. Honestly, we’ll all enjoy the trip more and you’ll be happier when you’re fed,’” Barnyak said. A “pretty big advocate of any way you can feed your baby you have to do it — in any place,” Barnyak got used to feeding Poppy wherever she was and whenever she needed it.
Barnyak’s cousin Jo Goddard posted a photo on her company’s Instagram account with the caption: “My cousin @meredithbarnyak being an absolute MOM on this Disney ride. 💪💪💪🏆🏆🏆❤️❤️❤️”
“I thought it was a great picture and our family was laughing about it. And so I’m more than happy for Joanna to post it. Barnyak added. The mother of two did not expect the post to start so many -conversation as it did. Amid supportive comments like, “YESSS MOM!!!🔥🔥 feed that baby anywhere anytime!” and “What a genius! All about motherhood in one picture! ” others jump in with negative reactions or concerns.
“Not to be a stick in the mud but this seems…dangerous?? Am I overestimating the thrill level of this ride? The rest of the elders seem to be holding on tight!” written by a woman. Another added, “Sorry @cupofjo — big fan of you but this is stupid, dangerous and irresponsible. @disney allowed this? Lifelong Orlando resident and every year people get hurt or killed on theme park rides — usually because of being dumb. I’m speechless.”
Barnyak was surprised by these comments. And as he pointed out, his son Graham sat calmly on his wife’s lap on the other side of the bench. Both children are safe. “I mean, if you look at this picture, it might look like an intense ride. But it’s on a boat,” she explains. “No seatbelt. It’s a very nice relaxing ride except for the drop that you can’t see coming because it’s dark. And that’s where that picture was taken.”
Disney’s website says the Frozen Ever After ride is suitable for all ages and any height, noting that it’s a slow ride with small drops. “If anything, I felt safer because he was in one place compared to me having to juggle his transition around. I wouldn’t have breastfed my son if it was just a roller coaster,” she concludes.