Motherly’s Top Maternity Leave Stories to Bookmark

Wondering what to expect now that you’re expecting? Pregnancy is a beautiful journey but it comes with many questions. If you’re a working mom, maternity leave is probably on your radar. Because as your gorgeous baby bump grows, it’s getting closer to time to take a break from work responsibilities.
There are several considerations at the beginning of maternity leave, such as how to discuss it with your employer, and there are different considerations at the end of maternity leave, such as thinking about whether you want to be a full-time stay-at-home-mother. We have all the answers to help you on this journey with Motherly’s top maternity leave articles. Bookmark and save for later so you can read through each episode.
Motherly’s top maternity leave articles to bookmark
1. Tips for knowing your company’s maternity leave policy
Okay, so you’ve celebrated the news of your new pregnancy with your loved ones but you’re not quite ready to tell anyone at work. Of course, you’re probably itching to find out what kind of maternity leave policy your company has. Here are some tips and tricks to find out the information you’re looking for without telling anyone your baby news. Read about clever ways to find out about your company’s maternity leave policy here.
2. Important questions to ask your employer about maternity leave
Getting ready for your baby’s arrival may include cute onesies and little booties but so what your moving? You’re about to become a working mom so here are important conversations to have with your employer before you leave work. Read about what to ask your employer here.
3. Maternity leave is not vacation
Maternity leave may just be one of the hardest parts of your journey as a mother. Despite what society thinks, it is physically and emotionally exhausting. So, whenever you need a little pick-me-up about how it’s not an easy task you’re going through, come back to this personal essay featuring a viral post that highlights the unseen struggles mothers go through. Read all about how maternity leave is the epitome of the struggle of motherhood.
4. How to survive unpaid maternity leave
Most American women have unpaid maternity leave. What’s a mom-to-be to do? If that’s the case for your workplace, it’s time to start investigating. From looking at short-term insurance to considering sick or vacation days, learn about some strategies for surviving unpaid maternity leave. Read about how to do this through unpaid maternity leave.
5. Being fired during maternity leave
Being fired is hard to process at any time but throw in being pregnant or postpartum and it’s a cocktail of many of emotions. If the unfortunate happens, check out one mom’s experience of being fired during her maternity leave to help ease yours. Read this personal essay about dealing with a layoff during maternity leave here.
6. Maternity leave can feel lonely
Sometimes adjusting to maternity leave can leave you feeling lonely. A UK study based on 1,000 women shows that this is actually a common side effect. Read about some tips to combat loneliness while you are on your maternity leave.
7. To stay at home or go back to work
Deciding whether to stay at home or return to work when your maternity leave ends is a big decision. As a new mom, your priorities will change and that can make things difficult. But, the good news is that there are a few things to consider to help you choose. Read about these 5 points to think about when you decide to go back to work or stay at home.
8. Return to work after maternity leave
Returning to work after maternity leave is a big transition. But, in those moments when you feel a little tough with these mantras. A fellow mom who’s been there and done it gives advice on how to get through the tough days and cut yourself a break. Read about how to keep your spirits up when you return to work after maternity leave.
9. Your first day back at work
You’re back at work but to say it’s hard is an understatement. You can pump before you leave, kiss your new baby a few thousand times and give yourself a little boost. A working mom offers advice on how to embrace the transition and give yourself compassion as you face a new phase. Read about a mother’s first day at work.
10. How to negotiate flexibility after maternity leave
As a new mom, you don’t really own your schedule because everything revolves around your child. So, when you go back to work, it’s a juggling act between who you are and who you already are, which is a working mom. Work-life balance can be difficult to manage but here are some tips to help you with your transition. Read about how to negotiate flexibility at work after maternity leave.