
Positive Unmedicated In-Hospital Birth Center Birth with brief NICU Stay

Amy had a 24-hour labor that ended in a waterbirth at a birth center inside a hospital.

Thanks to this podcast and Birth Hour’s Know Your Options course and a local Bradley method class, Amy and her husband Daniel felt very prepared, but they inevitably had a few hiccups along the way.

From 2 weeks of prodromal labor, to 12 great hours of real labor at home to walking through the hospital for three hours trying to be admitted to finally being admitted but not allowed in the tub and no birth center nurse, what a journey! After 6 hours in the shower, Amy finally had help changing shifts and was allowed to shower.

Within an hour of being in the tub she was in transition and after 30 minutes of pushing, Amy brought baby Laura into the world! Amy’s water didn’t break so Laura was almost born! Unfortunately, meconium in the water led to a short stay in the NICU. Although Amy wishes they had the golden hour after the birth, their experience was overall positive and they are smitten with their healthy baby girl!

Amy Straiton Bio

Amy is a mother of 1 living in Dayton Ohio with her husband Daniel. She is a stay at home mom by day and by night she makes journals and paper crafts for her Etsy shop!

You can find him on Facebook as Amy Straiton and send a private message or leave a comment here.


SNP Therapeutics

Today’s episode is sponsored by SNP Therapeutics, makers of the Genate Test. Based on more than 16 million dollars in NIH grants, and more than 30 years of nutrition and genetic research, SNP Therapeutics is leading the charge in the field of prenatal, precision-nutrition genetic testing.

SNP Therapeutics is committed to providing accurate and actionable information to help mothers provide the best possible nutrition to their babies through The Genate Test: a prenatal, precision-nutrition, genetic test that offers personalized dietary adjustments and supplement recommendations based on your DNA.

You can rest easy knowing that your prenatal nutrition is optimized by adapting it to your genetic code. Find peace of mind about your prenatal nutrition with SNP Therapeutics’ Genate Test. Learn more at and Use code BIRTHHOUR15 for 15% off your order.

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