Saying Goodbye to Summer and Seasonal Ruffle Trends

It’s officially September and I am already finding myself saying that time is flying by! It’s time to say goodbye to Summer and seasonal ruffle trends. Don’t worry, I know ruffles will come out in Fall, but in a different way! Let’s bring out the Pumpkin Spice Latte’s and I can’t forget the Salted Caramel Mocha’s. Those are definitely my favorite, but I love pumpkin spice all the others
Eyelet Off the Shoulder Blouse // Ruffle Skirt has run out (ON SALE! Very similar here and here // Basket Bag (One more Favorite Basket Bag) // Flats // Sunnies
Seeing these pictures is also a small goodbye. This is 1 of 2 outfits I have left to share with you while I’m pregnant! It is bittersweet. There were times when I was so uncomfortable that pregnancy felt like it was taking forever, but when I look back, I realize how quickly time flies.
Someone said the days are long but the years are fast. I can’t agree with that. Our sweet baby girl is officially two weeks old! To say time flies is an understatement. It was so hard to believe that I was pregnant for most of 2017. It was even harder to believe that when I looked at Charlotte that this little person lived in my belly for so long! This little, sassy, newborn has completely changed our lives. Some days are very difficult and we are completely exhausted, but this little guy fills my heart! As cliche as it sounds, it’s definitely worth it. God has blessed our little family, and we are so thankful.